Вставьте some, any или nо. 1. There are ... pictures in the book. 2. Are there ... new students in your group? 3. There are ... old houses in our street. 4. Are there ... English text¬books on the desks? - - Yes, there are ......

Вставьте some, any или nо. 1. There are ... pictures in the book. 2. Are there ... new students in your group? 3. There are ... old houses in our street. 4. Are there ... English text¬books on the desks? - - Yes, there are ... . 5. Are there ... maps on the walls? —No, there aren't ... . 6. Are there ... pens on the desk? - - Yes, there are.... 8. Are there ... sweets in your bag? - - Yes, there are ... . 9. Have you got ... English books at home? -- Yes, I have ... . 10. There are ... beauti¬ful pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 11. There is ... ink in my pen: I cannot write.
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1some(no) 2any 3some 4any.some 5any.any 6any.some 7нет задания 8any.some 9any.some 10some 11no
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