Выбери правильный вариант: 1 What is the ... river in our country? a) longest b) more long c) longer 2 Two heads are ... than one. a) better b) best c) good 3 Хобби Анны a) Anna' hobby b) Anna's hobby c) T...

Выбери правильный вариант: 1 What is the ... river in our country? a) longest b) more long c) longer 2 Two heads are ... than one. a) better b) best c) good 3 Хобби Анны a) Anna' hobby b) Anna's hobby c) The hobby of Anna 4 What is the ... mountain in our country? a) highest b) higher c) more high 5 Two heads are ... than one. a) better b) best c) good 6 Хобби его брата a) Brother's hobby b) His brother's hobby c) The hobbies of the brothers
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Вот все правильные ответы 1)b 2)a 3)b 4)a 5)a 6)b
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