Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи наведені слова: medicine, treatment, boring, cure, unhealthy, mental illness, patient, health. ⦁ It was … to listen to that fat man’s complaints about health. Never take … , which has been pr...

Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи наведені слова: medicine, treatment, boring, cure, unhealthy, mental illness, patient, health. ⦁ It was … to listen to that fat man’s complaints about health. Never take … , which has been prescribed, for somebody else. ⦁ His uncle undergoes … for alcoholism. ⦁ They say she has some … . ⦁ Doctors are now able to … people of many diseases, which in former times would have killed them. ⦁ It was early to discharge the mental … from the hospital. ⦁ It's … to smoke. ⦁ He decided to recover his … in a sanatorium.
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boring-medicine mental illness treatment cure patient unhealthy health
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