Дипломная работа: Multiple Intelligences in the structure of a new English syllabus for secondary school


Chapter 1. Multiple Intelligences in the structure of a new English syllabus for secondary school

1.1 Methodology as a science

1.1.1 Present-day issues of foreign language teaching at secondary school

1.1.2 Current concepts in secondary school graduates EFL

2.1 Gardner’s theory

2.1.1 LinguisticIntelligence

2.1.2 Logical/Mathematical Intelligene

2.1.3 Intrapersonal Intelligence

2.1.4 Interpersonal Intelligence

2.1.5 Musical Intelligence

2.1.6 Spatial Intelligence

2.1.7 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

2.1.8 Naturalistic Intelligence

2.2. Psychological analysis of Gardner’s Theory

Chapter 3. Learning environment in teaching English conversation

3.1 Multiple intelligences in teaching English learners to the senior

forms of secondary school

3.1.1 Development of students’ speaking and pronunciation skills

3.1.2 Use of the World Wide Web in teaching English to secondary school graduates

3.1.3 Use of the VIDEO in teaching English to secondary school graduates





The theme of the present university degree thesis is “ Multiple

Intelligences as Strategy for teaching EFL to High School Graduates “.

The topicalityof the research is stipulated by rapid changes in education

and intercultural communication etc., caused by the development of

computer technologies.


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