Дипломная работа: Multiple Intelligences in the structure of a new English syllabus for secondary school

Analysing communicative unit we find there speech functions and

examples of functional exponents in the new syllabus, which are

not mentioned in the old syllabus.

Language competence includes vocabulary, grammar and phonetics in

both syllabi, but in the old syllabus the number of lexical units in each

form is fixed.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic competence and strategic competence

are not defined in the old syllabus.

At the end of each year specific demands to speech competence of pupils

(listening, monologue, dialogue, reading, writing) are defined in the new


In general, the new syllabus is much but specific wider.

1.1. Methodology as a science

The term “методика” has several correspondences in English: methodology, methods and methodics. The word methodology will be used for “методика” and “методологія” of teaching English as foreign language [TEFL].

There are several definitions of this term:

Methodology (from Greek methodos – спосіб, шлях дослідження або пізнання, logos – поняття, вчення) is a framework of organization of teaching which relates linguistic theory to pedagogical principles and techniques.[37,p.5]

Methodology is a branch of pedagogy which dealing with peculiarities of teaching a certain subject.[38,p.12]

Methodology of FLT is a body of scientifically tested theory concerning the teaching of foreign languages in school and other education institutions.[37,p.17]

Methodology is a system of principles and ways of organization and construction of theoretical and practical activity as well as teaching about this system .[37,p.14]

Methodology is a science which studies aims, contents, means, principles, techniques and methods of a system of instruction and education.[37,p.15]

Methodology is a branch of didactics which relates a linguistic theory to pedagogical principles and techniques.

The scholars’ve considered the relation of methodology of FLT to other sciences ( supplement 1).

The objective of the present research is integrating some aspects of knowledge of English, didactics, psychology, linguistics to formulate basic professional and pedagogical habits and skills. In G. Rogova’s opinion, methodology covers three main points:

aims of TEFL;

content of TEFL;

methods ( supplement 2), principles and techniques of TEFL.

But it becomes evident that the three components do not constitute the whole teaching/learning process. The activities of learners and teachers, their interaction (symmetrical or assymetrical) and the role of instruction materials are the outstanding constituents. The task of methodology is to integrate the relationships among them and to draft requirements for each of them.

Teaching a subject is viewed here not simply as the delivery of prescribed formulate, imparting a certain amount of knowledge, but also developing habits and skills, but also as activity.

To attain these aims in the most effective way constitutes the main subject of any methodology. The methodology determines the laws, principles, aims, content, methods, techniques and means (media) of teaching. The actual teaching of a language may differ in the analysis of what is to taught, in the planning of lessons, in the teaching techniques used, in the type and amount of teaching done thought mechanical means and finally, in the testing of what has been learned.

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