Дипломная работа: Видеозанятия в системе обучения иностранной речи

Help Wild Animals

We think it is necessary to help wild animals. Many of them are in danger now. For example, pandas which live in the jungle and white bears which live in the Antarctic.

White bears eat fish. If people pollute rivers and seas, animals die.

All woods are home to animals and birds. It is important to take care of them. If trees are damaged and flowers and grass are cut, birds and animals may be extinct.

Each of us can do something to help nature. We must not frighten animals or bird. We must never break plants or baby trees. We are proud of our classmates who have made some bird feeders this winter and filled them with food. There are many squirrels in the park near our school every winter. We believe they come here “to ask” for help, because they eat from our hands.

We are sure that not only Greenpeace, Friends of Earth or Wildlife Service can take care of nature.

There are a lot of ways of keeping the planet healthy and we must take part in environmental activities.

Let’s help wild animals and birds! We announce a contest for the most interesting ideas and plans.

Другое сообщение посвящалось экологической обстановке Пензенской области. Учащиеся посетили комитет по охране природы, познакомились с материалами периодической печати, прошли по тропе здоровья и экологической тропе.

Вот текст их выступления.

Local Environmental Problems

We are the caretakers of the earth. We know that polluted air, water and land are harmful to plants, animals and people.

As a result of our investigation we found out that 17 districts of our region are severely polluted. People of Penza, Serdobsk, Kuznetsk, Belinsky and other towns of Penza region suffer from smog. Their industries pour their waste into rivers Sura, Ivanovka, Insarka and others. Many purifying systems don’t work well.

Every year Penza region plants pollute the atmosphere with about 12 thousand tons of harmful substances. These are very dangerous wastes. They go into the air and are carried by winds for great distances.

As a result many animals have become extinct, for example, golden eagle, musk-rat, etc.

60% of air pollution is caused by different means of transport: cars, trucks, buses. Penza plants use about 60 thousand auotomobiles, over 100 thousand cars are in private use. Public anxiety has grown after the Chernobyl disaster, which resulted in radio-active pollution of vast territories, including Penza region.

Then we must remember, that when we use aerosol sprays we destroy the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun.

The list of serious environmental problems could be continued and we invite you all to take part in environmental actions to keep our town and region suitable for living.

С большим интересом работали учащиеся над проектом “Welcome to Our Home Town”. Результатом были рекламные проспекты, рассказывающие об интересных местах Пензы.

Welcome to Our Home Town

A warm Penza welcome awaits you at the Penza Hotel, superbly located downtown on the banks of the river Sura. Within walking distance of the hotel are wonderful dining and shopping opportunities, including the exclusive shops of Moscovskaya street. Experience a wonderful Theatre production, or take in a concert at Concert Hall.

Other nearby attractions include the Circus, the Savitsky Art Gallery and the Folk Crafts Museum, the Belinsky Park.

No doubt you have plenty of other places to go, because Penza is a city full of sights, history and atmosphere. You can reach any part of Penza easily and enjoy the bus ride.

At the end of your day, return to the comfort and relaxation of the Penza Hotel where all the comforts of home await you!

Experience the charms of Penza!

В работе над проектом имеются и трудности. Не всегда учащиеся готовы обсуждать организационные вопросы по-английски, поэтому прибегают к ис

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