Доклад: Facilities of placing of tourists
1. Classification of facilities of placing of tourists. Modern national systems of classifications
Hospitality service – one of the importantepart of tourists business. Function of hotels:
Facilities of placing of tourists are any objects which give tourists a temporal or regular place for spending the night (usually in an apartment).
Accordingly all facilities of placing can be presented two categories – community facilities of placing:
– individual facilities of placing. (DSTU)
In Ukraine as well as in majority of the world in the last years the developed classification of hotels on the level of comfort.
The level of comfort of hotels is determined them technical rigging, composition and quality of containing a number fund, by the set of services and others like that.
Today about 30 different national systems of classifications of hotels operate in the world (system of stars (*) from 1 to 5; system of letters – And, In, С; system «crowns», or «keys», «diamonds» and others like that, which can be united in two basic groups: European type the French national system and Asiatic type (ball) is fixed in basis of which, basis of which is the Indian national system. In україні classification operates by system of stars. Hotels and analogical facilities of placing are divided into 5 categories (stars).
A category of «one*» is a low category for hotels.
A category of «five*» is a high category for hotels.
The State national standards, in which minimum requirements are certain in relation to rigging, qualification of personnel and grant of services, are developed in Ukraine. (for example).
Depending on the functional setting of hotels Ukraine divided into a few types:
– general type;
– tourist;
– resort;
– for sportsmen;
– for transients;
– for conferences (hotels of congress)
So far in Ukraine most widespread are hotels of general type, which are counted on people which arrive with business aims on relatively short space, and also for citizens which travel with the personal aims. Such hotels as a rule are in central part of city, near-by administrative, shopping centers. The containing a number fund of hotels of general type consists mainly of one -, two and partly three – four numbersdepending on a category,
for example:…….
Tourist hotels are intended for tourists. Depending on the type of active rest they are also differentiated:
- for motor-car tourists
- for water tourism
- for mountain tourism
- for youth tourism and others like that.
The feature of tourist hotels consists in that in them present apartments of tourist service, and also methodical and instructor (for methodical work of instructors with groups) cabinets.
One of many types of tourist hotels are hotels for motor-car tourists. Except for buildings with housings numbers, restaurant and other apartments of the public use, these hotels are given by possibility of parking and technical maintenance of motor transport (fillings stations), repair shops or technical service stations.
Hotels for motor-car tourists are also divided into a few types :
Motels are disposed on motorways, before an entrance in cities and also in those places which bring over to itself tourists. Motels, as a rule, small – 20–30 numbers. They provide comprehensive maintenance of guests, and also stand, prophylaxis and repair of cars. (classification from * to to ****)