Доклад: Facilities of placing of tourists

Camping (from engl. of «camp» is a camp) – shows by itself the enterprise of hotel type for seasonal exploitation and it is intended for rest of motor-car tourists and parking them vehicles. All of types of service are simplified: berths placing in buildings of summer type, often in wooden without heating tents; sanitary knots in majorities general, sometimes there are the fillings stations and workshops of repair of cars at campsites. Campsites are accessible for the wide circle of tourists. They provide good and comparatively cheap rest.

The variety of camping is Rotel. He is intended for travelling on cars with treyler. Treyler is set in the specially taken place, connected to technical communications. Rotelіdispose on approaches to the cities or in picturesque places.

Hotel complexes are for water tourism. Placing of establishments of placing for water tourism conditioned dividing of tourist route into areas: initial, transit and eventual.

For the hotel complexes of water tourism characteristic combination of functions, which provide terms for spending the night, rest of tourists, and also for a stand, technical service and storage of floating facilities.

Distinguish the followings hotel complexes of water tourism:

Botel s are establishments which are located on a birch in the initial or eventual areas of route through a 150–200 km These establishments consist of housings corps of hotel type with the system of cultural and welfare service and mean of technical maintenance of плавзасобів. Areas of Botel must be equipped harbour. Botelsfunction during a year.

Botokemping – show by itself summer seasonal townships, intended for maintenance of tourists of water tourism in a hike. They have stationary buildings of technical maintenance of floating facilities and disposed enroute through a 70–100 km

Flotel is a floating motel, which serves tourists which travel by water. He consists of floating corps of the different setting and takes place enroute through a 50 km In winter флотель use as a hotel within the limits of city.

For example……

Hotels are for mountain tourism . These hotels are disposed, as a rule, in housing mountain locality. Their architecture must answer a natural environment. Ukrainian Carpathians are famous the facilities placing for tourists, which are engaged in the mountain types of sport. They, as a rule, built taking into account national traditions and local colour.

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Hotels are for youth tourism. They are oriented to the tourists in age from 16 to 35 years. So as a youth contingent differs aspiring to the active kinds of rest and low enough requirement in a comfort, in hotels prevail three-, four-set numbers, but as a rule, developed block of apartments of cultural and mass service. Today widespread in the world is «Khostels ».

The main difference of Khostels (from ordinary hotels) consists both in the inexpensive dwelling and in the special sincerity and democratic atmosphere from the side of workers which work in them. Khostel of the Template institute of economy and tourism always glad to welcome students and other young tourists in the walls.

(for example)……

Resort hotels. Setting for in relation to of long duration rest on one place, sometimes with possibility of prophylactic treatment. They are disposed on seashores, near-by medical sources, in mountain locality. resort hotels have the extended composition of apartments of cultural and mass service, building of the sporting setting. A containing a number fund consists mainly of one and two-set numbers.

(for example)…….

There are hotels. Take place at sporting complexes and in places which on natural terms suitable for the certain type of sport. In hotels there must be the foreseen apartments, intended for storage and delivery on a rental basis to sporting an inventory; halls for trainings, honey cabinets, and also developed composition of apartments, for rest.

Hotels are for transients. Intended for a short stay in them of passengers in connection with expectation of transplantation on other type of transport, and also for rest of personnel which serves a transport. These facilities are at air terminals, bus terminals and others like that. Numbers in such hotels can be less sizes.

Hotels are for conferences. Got large distribution abroad. Sometimes they are named by the «hotels» of congress, and also hotels for business people are «business-hotels». As a rule it is hotels of high level of comfort and service, which have a wide set of apartments of the public setting.

(for example)….

2 . Functional organization of buildings of facilities of placing

Functional organization of building be what hotel complex foremost depends on as a hotel and its capacity. The capacity of hotels is determined the number of permanent berths. In Ukraine official differentiation of hotels is not accepted after a capacity, but the following gradation is widespread: to 100 places – hotels of small capacity, from 101 to 500 places, – middle capacity; more than 500 places – large capacity.

A modern hotel of middle and large capacity and high level of comfort is a difficult complex object considerable кількість of apartments of the different functional setting is included in composition of which:

– housings apartments

– reception and service

– restaurant economy

– apartment of the cultural and mass setting

– domestic consumer services

– administrative, official

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