Книга: Basic English
Healthy Way of Life
Sport is one of the few things that make people healthy. The general belief if that a person who goes in for sports can’t be weak and ill. Physically inactive people get old earlier than those, who find time for sport activity. And of course good health is better than good medicine.
Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It was raising with the development of human society. In ancient times men competed with each other in strength and deftness to decide who was the worthiest. Nowadays sport is being widely popularized all over the world and in our country in particular.
Thus, children are taught to love sport since early childhood. In kindergartens a child takes his first sporting steps. He learns to run, jump and dance. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Many young people attend sport sections. Some of them dream to become professional sportsmen; others would like to stay an amateur.
As for me, I’m fond of aerobics. First of all aerobics helps to keep myself fit. It also attracts me because it resembles dancing and is carried with the accompaniment of music. Besides, twice a week I go to the swimming pool. Such sport activity helps me to feel cheerful, active and full of energy.
6. Language work :
1) Say the sentences using may or might to express future possibility:
1. Можливо, піде дощ. Візьми парасольку.
2. Вона, можливо, скаже йому про це.
3. Можливо, він прочитає хорошу лекцію.
4. Можливо, вона запізниться на потяг.
5. Можливо, вона отримає цю роботу.
6. Сотні людей можуть втратити роботу, якщо забастовка продовжиться.
7. Можливо, ми закінчимо роботу до вечора.
8. Давай купимо лотерейний квиток. Можливо, ми виграємо.
9. Він, можливо, приїде завтра.
10. Потяг, можливо, запізниться.
2) Say the sentences using must to express obligation. Look up the words in the dictionary if necessary:
1. You … to live in stress. (навчитися)
2. All passengers … seatbelts. (пристебнутися)
3. I … my homework. (піти і зробити)
4. …we … our passports with us? (взяти)
5. Accidents … to the safety officer. (докладати)
6. … you … so soon? (піти)
7. I … a letter to my mother. (написати)
8. You … if you don’t want to. (іти)
9. I … back to Anny and tell her about the news. (написати)
10. Passengers in the airport … their luggage unattended at any time. (залишати)
11. Employees … the office phones to make personal calls. (користуватися)