Книга: Basic English
P : Is it so serious? What am I to do?
D : First of all, you should remain quiet in all situations of our daily life. You shouldn’t respond to its challenges, but you must respond to treatment.
P : You mean I should never be nervous on any occasion, don’t you?
D : That’s it. Then, your diet should be sparing.
P: Well, you know that I am a frugal eater.
D : I know that, but remember you mustn’t eat pork, fat, salt fish o any kind. You must exclude everything fried from your diet – potatoes, meat, fish, and eggs. But if you boil these foodstuff, you may eat them safely.
P : What about vegetables and fruit?
D : You may eat vegetables if they are fresh. But you mustn’t eat pickled vegetables. Besides, you may eat fresh apples for the time being, and other fresh fruit except bananas.
P : May I eat lemons?
D : Only in the tea if you like to drink tea with lemon.
P : Hoe about drinks?
D : If you mean soft drinks, take only mineral water after degassing it. As for strong drinks, you shouldn’t take beer or wine of any brand. You may have sometimes a small drink of whisky.
P: Well, I am in for a dull life, doc. What can I do to make it acceptable?