Книга: Basic English
To be late (for) запізнюватися
To be … minutes fast поспішати на … хвилин
To be … minutes slow запізнюватись на … хвилин
Lesson 2
1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian:
Structured languages
You’ve already learned something about the BASIC language. You will probably go on someday to learn other programming languages as well. Different languages are designed for different purposes. BASIC is an all-purpose language, meaning that you can do almost everything in BASIC. But some things will be rather hard to do in BASIC. For example, although you have seen how to write programs with a top-down structure in BASIC, other languages make it easier to write such structured or modular programs.
Logo is a structured language that is often taught in schools and is available for many microcomputers. You may be familiar with Logo because many schools use it to do ‘turtle graphics’. ‘A turtle is a cursor on the screen. It’s called a turtle because it is often shaped like one. You can tell the turtle to move left, right, up, down, or turn a certain number of degrees. You can see the turtle move on the screen. The turtle can also draw on the screen. If you tell it to put its pen down, it traces a line as it moves, or it can pick up the pen and not draw a line. (There are also mechanical turtles that move on the floor).
Logo is the language that can help you to write structured programs. For example, in Logo you can tell a turtle to carry out a set of commands that draws a rectangle on the screen. Then you can call a set of commands ‘box’. Each time you tell the turtle to ‘do box’, it will draw the rectangle. ‘Box’ has become a module of a program. You can create a whole series of routines that draw different shapes or parts of pictures. Then you can combine them all in one statement and call the whole thing ‘house’. Then you can make ‘house’ part of another routine, and so on. Your whole program can consist of series of statements defining different routines and then a few statements calling theses routines in the correct order.
Logo doesn’t just do turtle graphics, it is a complete language. But whether you use the language t draw a house or compute complex mathematical functions, the modular structure of the language is the same.
Pascal is also a structured language. Pascal has some features that make structured programming easier. For example, it allows you to indent the statements in a loop so that you can see the beginning and the end of each loop. Pascal also has certain requirements that make you plan your program carefully. For example, you requires you to define all your variables before you begin.
One Disadvantage of Pascal is that it is often a compiled language. A compiled language is one that must be translated by a compiler into code that the computer can understand before the program can be run.
2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:
To design for different purposes, all-purpose language, to be rather hard, top-down structure, modular programs, to be available, to trace a line, a set of commands, whole series of routine, to combine, in the correct order, to intend the statement, disadvantage.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuous or Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. He (attend) college from September to may every year, but in summers he (usually, have) a job at the post office. In fact, he (work) there this summer. 2. I (think) about the grammar. 3. I (have) trouble. 4. She (have) a good time. 5. The chef (taste) the sauce. 6. Don (smell) the roses. 7. The doctor (see) a patient. 8. Sue (feel) the cat’s fur. 9. I (look) out of the window. 10. The grocer (weigh) the bananas.
4. Translate into English:
1. – Ти ходив куди-небудь учора ввечері? – Ні, я залишився вдома. 2. Коли Нік їздив у Лондон? 3. Чайковський написав багато опер. 4. Що ти робив, коли я зателефонував тобі? 5. Мій батько вчив мене водити автомобіль, коли почався дощ. 6. Ми не змогли дозволити собі утримувати нашу машину, тому продали її. 7. У той час, коли я читав, Джон грав на піаніно.
5. R ead and translate the dialogue and use it in your own speech:
Work for the Future
You may become the bookkeeper after graduating from the technological college and work at the industrial enterprises, banks, churches, hospital, political parties, retail stores, and a wide variety of other organizations. The students of the department ‘Accounting’ study following subjects: bookkeeping, computer studies, marketing, foreign languages, statistics, managements and others.
The bookkeeper has to know organization of industrial management, cost-accounting and audit. High-qualified book-keeper must work quickly and accurately with figures and data and concentrate on details.
Beginners handle routine transactions. After gaining more experience, they are given responsibilities involving payrolls and other records. Good bookkeepers have opportunities to advance to jobs on a higher level and, with additional training, to move into accounting departments. Many skilled, experienced bookkeepers hold positions in management.
More and more organizations depend on computers and other machines in the operation of their bookkeeping systems. Therefore, beginning bookkeepers should have a basic knowledge of data processing and know how to operate various office machines. People in this field must continually keep their skills up to date as employers use increasingly complex equipment to handle all aspects of bookkeeping.
The students are taught by highly-qualified stuff of teachers. Theoretical and practical training on enterprises is combined with scientific work. They operate modern equipment, read scientific literature which deals with their specialty. All these help to turn a student into a highly-skilled bookkeeper, ready for independent work.
6. Try to remember the most frequently used expressions with the verb ‘to be’ and sentences with them:
To be in two minds сумніватися
To be of importance мати значення
To be of interest представляти інтерес
To be on іти (про спектакль, фільм)