Книга: Basic English

1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian

What Is A Computer Language?

Instructing a computer is done with a computer language. A computer language is a set of words, symbols, and commands that a computer can ‘understand’. Computer languages are not spoken to the computer (except in some experimental systems with limited vocabularies). Instead, you type a computer language on the keyboard. The computer then translates what you typed into electrical impulses that represent 0’s and 1’s-the form in which the computer can understand and carry out your instructions. To translate your instructions, the computer needs a language processor that is either built-in into the computer itself or loaded into the computer from a disk. The language processor acts somewhat like a human interpreter who listen to someone speaking English and tells you what the words mean in Ukrainian. It does the translating.

There many different computer languages. You may have heard of BASIC, Pascal, Logo, FORTRAN, COBOL, and others. For your computer to understand one of these languages, it needs a translator for that language.

Why are there different computer languages? The reason for this is that different languages work well for different kinds of tasks.

Programming languages allow people to communicate with computers. Once a job has been identified, the programmer must translate, or code it into a list of instructions for a computer. A computer program for a given task may be written in several different languages. Depending on the task, a programmer will generally pick a language that will involve the least complicated program. It may also be important to the programmer to pick the language that is flexible and widely compatible if the program will have a range of applications. C and BASIC or commonly used programming languages.

2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian

Instructing a computer, a set of words, experimental systems, limited vocabularies, electrical impulses, to carry out instructions, loaded from a disk, human interpreter, to communicate with the computer, depending on a task, the least complicated program, flexible, widely compatible, a range of applications.

3. Find out which form-Present Continuous or Present Simple are correct in the following sentences

1. Cathy can’t come to the phone because she (wash) her hair. 2. Ann (wash) her hair every other day or so. 3. Cathy (sit, usually) in the front row during class, but today she (sit) in the last row. 4. Please, be quiet. I (try) to concentrate. 5. (You, always, lock) your apartment when you leave? 6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn’t answered to my letter yet. I (still, wait) for reply. 7. After three days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (shine) again today. 8. Every morning, the sun (shine) in the window and (wake) me up. 9. Look! It (snow). –It’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It (not, snow) in my country. 10. Mike is a student, but he (go, not) to school right now because it’s summer.

4. Which form of Past simple or Past Continuous is correct in the following sentences

1. (You, go out) last night or (be) you tired? 2. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces o music. 3. What (you, do) when I called? 4. My father (teach) me driving when our cousin (come). 5. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we (sell) it. 6. While I (read), Josh (play) the piano. 7. I was very thirsty. I (drink) the water very quickly.

5. Try to remember the most frequently used expressions with the verb ‘to be’ and sentences with them:

To be absent бути відсутнім

To be afraid боятися

To be angry with сердитися на

To be away бути у від’їзді

To be back повертатися

To be pleased with бути задоволеним

To be displeased with бути незадоволеним

To be fond of любити

To be frightened лякатися

To be glad бути задоволеним

To be hungry бути голодним

To be ill (sick) бути хворим

To be in (out) бути присутнім (відсутнім)

To be in a hurry (for) поспішати

To be in high spirits бути в хорошому настрої

To be in low spirits бути в поганому настрої


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