Книга: Basic English
To be over закінчуватись
To be present (at) бути присутнім
To be ready (for) бути готовим (до)
To be responsible (for) бути відповідальним (за)
To be right бути правим
To be sorry for шкодувати (про)
To be sure (of) бути впевненим (в)
To be surprised (at) здивуватися
To be thirsty хотіти пити
To be tired (of) бути стомленим
To be through (with) закінчити (щось)
To be under construction будуватися
To be under consideration розглядатися
To be under discussion обговорюватися
To be under way відбуватися
To be up закінчитися
To be upset бути засмученим
To be worried хвилюватися
To be wrong помилятися
Lesson 3
1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian:
Languages for Other Tasks
Some languages are very well suited to tasks that are hard to do in BASIC. For example, FORTRAN is a language that is very similar to BASIC, but it is better for scientific applications. FORTRAN contains commands that make it easier to do engineering problems and use mathematics for solving scientific problems. It allows the programmer to program mathematical formulas more easily than does BASIC. FORTRAN is available for some microcomputers.
COBOL is a language that was developed mainly for large computers and may be available on a few microcomputers. It is designed for business uses and is particularly good for report writing. It makes it easy to set up very complicated reports with rows and columns, and to print these on a screen or a printer.
Assembly language
The language described so far are called high-level languages because they are far removed from the low-level machine language binary command that the computer can understand directly. Many students who begin with BASIC go on to learn to write assembly-language programs. Assembly language is not a high-level language. It is much closer to the machine language of the computer.
In assembly language you work with what you might think of as building blocks to create your program. Because you can use these blocks in many ways, you can create commands that don’t exist in BASIC. You can also control the computer directly and control external peripherals like home security systems through the computer. A program that is written in an assembly language also runs much faster than a program that is written in BASIC because it does not need to be interpreted like BASIC.
Assembly language can also be used to write programs that will run on several different computers. Any computer with the same computer chip will use the same assembly language.
Unfortunately, assembly language is very difficult to use. It takes much longer to write a program in assembly language than it does in any high-level language. Assembly language is not a structured language, so it is very difficult for someone else to understand your programs.
2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian: