Контрольная работа: Family and relatives

Для цієї вистави потрібні декорації звичайної кімнати. Малюк, члени його родини вдягнені звичайно. Карлсон має бути вдягнений в картаті штани з ґудзиком на животі та іграшковим пропелером на спині. Для казки про ріпку потрібні костюми для Собаки, Кішки, Миши. Бабуся, Дідусь, Онук можуть бути вдягнені у звичайний одяг. Ріпка має бути великою, картонною. Коли вона витягнена – з’являється дівчинка в помаранчевому костюмі Ріпки. Бабуся Карлсона може бути в спідниці темного кольору, світлій хустці, світлій сорочці, можливо, у фартусі.

Дійові особи


11 Pupils



Kid's Mother

Kid's Father

Kid's Sister

Kid's Brother

Part I

Teacher: Hello, my dear pupils! We are going to talk about families, relatives, friends today. All of us have families. Some of them are big or very big, some of them are not. Why do we really need to have a family?

Pupil 1: Everyone needs help, love, and care. If you have a family, you'll get it all.

Teacher. Clever answer! Our today's guests can tell us a lot about having family. Because one of them has a big family, but another one has no family at all. Meet them, pupils! There are Kid and Karlsson!

Kid and Karlsson appear.

Karlsson: Hi, pupils! I like to have fun any time! I hope you are really naughty!

Pupils: Hello, Karlsson! We are glad to see you!

Kid: Hello, children! I hope you remember not only Karls­son but me too. I am called Malish. In English I am Kid. I'm glad to see you and want to be friends with all merry and playful pupils!

Pupils: Hello, Kid! We are glad to see you too!

Teacher: So, we have to greet our guests. And now I'd like to tell you a surprising thing. It's ...

Kid: Sorry for interrupting you, dear teacher!

Teacher: Yes, Kid?

Kid: May I tell this news myself?

Teacher: Do it. I don't mind. You are so polite and nice!

Kid: Children! Today my best friend Karlsson has his birthday!

Pupils: Great! Wonderful news!

Happy birthday to you!

Korlsson: Ok! Ok! I've heard it. I don't like traditional birthday with relatives, tables with meals. It's boring! Let's break something or frighten somebody! Or maybe spoil a very important thing! That's real fun!

Teacher: Poor thing! You must be very unhappy living alone. That's why you've never had a really funny birthday party and pretend you don't like this tradition at all.

Karlsson: No, I don't! I am really happy having a friend! I need not to have a family! It's silly and bothering! If you have a mother, she'll make you wash your hands, face every morning, brush your hair, keep your clothes clean. If you have a father, he will shout at you for bad marks, tell you about good manners. If you have a grandmother, she'll always worry about your weak health. If you have a grandfather, he'll forbid you to watch TV or to go for a walk when you really want to do it! Disgusting relationships!

Teacher: But when you are ill, mother will give you a medicine, touch your head tenderly, kiss you with love. Father will read you a book, grandmother will tell you a fairy tale, grandfather will present you a new penknife.


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