Контрольная работа: Family and relatives

All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!

Part III

Karlsson: Nice story! What a friendly family they have!

Pupil 7:

I have a friendly family too!

I love my father,

I love my mother,

I love my brother Paul.

I love my aunt and I love my uncle

How I Jove them all!

Pupil 8: I have a friendly family too. But they are fond of arguing who I look like to.

My grandmother says

I look like my mother.

But aunt Lida says

I look like her niece.

My grandfather says,

My hair is like my father's,

But I want to look like me.

Pupil 9: I know the similar case! I have a little brother. He's too small, he was born only a month ago. There is no answer who he looks like. So father says my brother will look like him, but mother only laughs and then says: «Nothing of the kind!»

Teacher: What do you think about it?

Pupil 9:

I am the sister of him

And he is my brother.

He is too small for us

To talk to each other.

So every morning I show him

My doll and my colorful book.

But every morning he still is

So funny but too little to look.

Karlsson's Grandmother: You are really nice sister! Do you know, pupils, that animals, birds, insects have families too?

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