Контрольная работа: France

Here are the main shipping companies to cross the Channel:

Company Routes Approximate Times
P & O Portsmouth Peninsular House Wharf Road Portsmouth P02 8TA Tel: 08705 20 20 20 www.poferries.com Portsmouth - Le Havre 5 hours 30 (day sailing)
Portsmouth - Le Havre 7 hours or 8 hours if include French tour (night sailing)
Portsmouth - Cherboug 5 hours (day sailing)
Portsmouth - Cherbourg 7 hours or 8 hours if include French tour (night sailing)
Portsmouth - Cherbourg (Portsmouth Express) 2 hours 45 (April - Sept)
Dover - Calais
Hull - Zeebrugge
SeaFrance Eastern Docks Dove, Kent CT16 1JA Tel: 08705 711 711 www.seafrance.com Dover - Calais From 1 hour 10 and 1 hour 30 (depending on the vessel)
Southern Ferries/SNCM 179 Piccadilly London W1V 9DB Tel: 0207 491 4968 Fax: 0207 491 3502 www.sncm. fr

From Marseilles to:

Bastia, Calvi, Ile Rousse, Ajaccio, Propriano, Porto-Vecchio

From 9 hours to 12 hours
Nice - Calvi/Ile Rousse 3 hours
Nice - Bastia 3 hours 40 (day sailing) 7 hours 30 (night sailing)
Nice - Ajaccio 4 hours 15 (day sailing) 7 hours 30 (night sailing)
Brittany Ferries The Brittany Centre Wharf Road Portsmouth PO2 8RU Tel: 08705 360 360 www.brittanyferries.com Portsmouth - Caen 6 hours
Portsmouth - St Malo 8 hours 45
Poole - Cherbourg 4 hours 15
(fast ferry May 26 to Sept 30) 2 hours 15 minutes
Plymouth - Roscoff 6 hours
Plus overnight sailings on all routes (not on fast ferries)

Condor Ferries The Quay Weymouth DT4 8DX Tel: 0845 345 2000 Fax: 01305 760 776 www.condorferries. co. uk

* via Guernsey et Jersey ** via Jersey

Weymouth - Guernsey 2 hours
Weymouth - Jersey 3 hours 15
Poole - St Malo* 5 hours 30
Poole - Guernsey 2 hours 30
Poole - Jersey 3 hours 45
Guernsey - St Malo** 1 hours 45
Jersey - St Malo 1 hour 15
Hoverspeed Fast Ferries International Hoverport Dover CT17 9TG Tel: 08705 240 241 Fax: 0870 4607 102 www.hoverspeed. co. uk Dover - Calais (Seacat) 45 minutes
Newhaven - Dieppe (Superseacat) 2 hours
Norfolkline Eastern Dock Dover CT16 1JA Tel: 0870 870 1020 Fax: 0130 421 8415 www.norfolkline.com Dover - Dunkerque 2 hours

SpeedFerries Ltd.

209 East Camber Office Building Eastern Docks Dover, Kent CT16 1JA Tel: 08700 60 39 00 www.speedferries.com

Dover - Boulogne (Bookings from the 22 April) 50 minutes

You will find a list of French ports at the website http://www.mer. equipement. gouv. fr/commerce/01_ports_francais/02_fiche_identite/index. htm


The Féderation des Industries Nautiques [association of companies in the boating trade groups together sea and river boat hire companies, and a list of them can be sent to you by request.

France has a particularly rich network of canals and rivers, 8,500km long, allowing you to discover the country in depth, as you slowly go along from lock to lock.


You can also find information on the website http://www.vnf. fr

Navigating France: licences, river moorings, fuel…

A licence is needed to operate French motorised pleasure boats at sea where the actual horsepower of the engine or engines is/are higher than 4.5kW (6 HP). There are three types of licence:

la carte mer [sea licence]

le permis mer côtier [coastal licence]

le permis mer hauturier [deep-sea/ocean licence]

There are specific licences for navigating on inland waters.

Licences to operate motorised pleasure boats at sea only give the right to pilot by agreement. Any person operating a pleasure boat professionally must have the recognised professional qualifications.

The regulations are on http://www.mer. equipement. gouv. fr/

Port authorities display daily weather bulletins and forecasts for the following days.

At the French sailing association's website, you can consult tide tables for each port.


Taxis, Subways, Buses, Commuting Boats


You can take them from taxi ranks (indicated by a square sign with Taxi in white on a blue background) or hail one in the street (on condition that it is available: the "Taxi" sign on the roof is then fully lit, and the small lights under the sign are switched off).

Some taxi companies:

Taxi G7: 33 (0) 1 47 39 47 39

Taxis Bleus: 0 891 70 10 10 (€0.22/min)

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