Контрольная работа: France

Although French workers started receiving their paychecks in Euros as early as July 1, 2001, the introduction of Euro coins and bills began in earnest on January 1, 2002. According to the French government, payments in Francs ceased altogether at midnight on February 17, 2002.

How Much Money Should I Bring?

Thomas Cook has prepared a handy chart which suggests average daily expenses for key cities throughout the world, based on 3-star and 4-star accommodations, including meals, sightseeing, and incidentals. (Requires Acrobat Reader plug-in, free from Adobe)

Mastercard ATM Locator

Need quick cash? With more than 820,000 locations worldwide, you're never far from a MasterCard® / Maestro® / Cirrus® ATM.

Prepaid or Stored Value Travel Cards

For 24-hour secure access to cash, one option to consider is AAA Global Currency, a prepaid Visa card valid at any of 556,000 ATMs and 600,000 merchants worldwide. Available at participating AAA offices.

Visa ATM Locator

Our search located 99 ATMs in Paris honoring Visa® and Plus® cards. The locator permits international searches by region, country, city, street address, or postal code.

Words to the Wise

About.com's Europe for Visitors guide offers tips on using European automated tellers. Includes information on exchange rates, transaction fees, acceptable PINs (personal identification numbers), and back-up strategies to keep you liquid throughout your trip.

French Consulates

Consulates - Passport & Visa Info

Directory of 12 French Consulates serving different regions in the U. S., 6 offices in Canada, plus nearly 190 European and International offices. Passport and visa requirements (based on your citizenship) for entry into France, Monaco, and overseas departments.

American Embassy & Consulates in France

The American Embassy is located in Paris (2, avenue Gabriel, 75008; phone [33] 1-43-12-22-22), and is complemented by consulates in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Rennes, Strasbourg, and Toulouse. Consular officials are responsible for protecting the interests of American nationals abroad, be they permanent residents or temporary visitors.

Automobiles (Importing into France)

Bringing a U. S. - made or Canadian vehicle into France may be subject to customs duties and a 19.6% VAT (value added tax), payable at the port of entry. Since most vehicles will not conform to strict French safety and environmental standards, necessary modifications are likely to be expensive. A French registration must be obtained within 4 months, and if the auto does not pass muster, it must be re-exported. There are certain exemptions to the customs duties and VAT for tourists staying less than 185 days in a calendar year, or for those establishing their permanent residence in France.

British Embassy in France

The British Embassy is located at 35, rue du Faubourg St-Honoré, 75383 Paris Cedex 08. Phone: (33) 1-44-51-31-00. The British Consulate-General is located at 18bis, rue d'Anjou, 75008 Paris (all mail should be sent to the British Embassy, Paris). Phone: (33) 1-44-51-31-00.

Canadian Embassy in France

The Canadian Embassy is located at 35, avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris. Phone: (33) 1-44-43-29-00. Métro: Franklin D. Roosevelt (or) Alma Marceau. Hours of operation: 9: 00 a. m. - 12 noon and 2: 00 - 5: 00 p. m.

Counterfeit Goods

Imports into - and exports out of - France of counterfeit goods violating trademarks (and/or copyrights, patents, industrial designs, etc) are offenses under French general Criminal Law, and such goods are deemed to be "prohibited" under French Customs Law - even if declared to a Customs official. Violations are subject to a term of imprisonment from 2 to 5 years, and fines up to 1 million French francs, plus confiscation of the goods themselves and any conveyances in which they are found (such as a vehicle, vessel or aircraft). While this might not appear relevant to the average honest tourist, even bootlegged copies of music tapes and CDs could be construed as a violation; hence, caution is advised when packing for your trip.

Currency or Monetary Instruments

Although there is no restriction on the total amount of money brought into or out of France, anyone carrying more than 50,000 French francs (or its equivalent) in any form must file a Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instrument ("déclaration de sommes, titres et valeurs").

English Speaking Doctors

Medical emergencies can be compounded if the patient and practitioner cannot communicate effectively. Fortunately, the U. S. Embassy in Paris has prepared this list of anglophone hospitals, pharmacies, and physicians - grouped by medical specialty - for Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, and other locations in France.

Firearms & Ammunition

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