Контрольная работа: Перевод английских текстов об образовании
1. Higher education in Great Britain. 3
1.1 Высшее образование в Великобритании. 3
2. Albert Einstein. 5
2.1 Альберт Эйнштейн. 6
3. Our institute. 8
3.1 Наш Институт. 9
1. Higher education in Great Britain
Of the 22 Universities in great Britain, 16 are England, 4 are in Scotland, 1 is in Wales and is in Northern Ireland. Einghteen universities have engineering faculties
The leading universities in England are Oxford, Cambridge, Cambridge and London. English universities are greatly differ from each other. They differ in date of foundation, history, tradition, general organization, internal government, methods of instruction, ways of student life, size , etc.
British universities are comparatively small. The approximate number is 7000-8000 students, most universities having under 3000, some even less than 1500 students.
Besides universities, there are several higher technical educational institutions:
Regional colleges, 25 in number, 7 national colleges and colleges of advanced technology, which are 10 in the country.
Speaking about education in Great Britain, it should be mentioned that not many children from working class families are able to receive a higher education, as the fees are rather high.
1.1 Высшее образование в Великобритании
В Великобритании находятся 22 университета, 16 в Англии, 4 находятся в Шотландии, 1 находится в Уэльсе и в Северной Ирландии. Восемнадцать университетов имеют технические факультеты.
Ведущие университеты в Англии – это Оксфорд, Кембридж и Лондон. Английские университеты, очень отличаются друг от друга. Они отличаются: по срокам, по истории, по традициям, по общей организации, по внутреннему правлению, по методам инструкции, по путям студенческой жизни, по размерам, и т.д.
Британские университеты являются сравнительно маленькими. Приблизительное число студентов - 7000-8000 человек, большинство университетов имеют около 3000 студентов, некоторые даже меньше 1500 студентов.
Помимо университетов, есть несколько высших технических образовательных учреждений:
Региональные колледжи - в числе 25, а также 7 национальных колледжей и колледжи продвинутой технологии которых в стране десять.
Говоря об образовании в Великобритании, нужно упомянуть, что не многие дети из семей рабочего класса в состоянии получить высшее образование, поскольку стоимость довольно высока.
2. Albert Einstein
Albert took the compass to bed with him. It occupied all his thoughts for hours. His curiosity grew. He wanted to know more.
Albert Einstein was orn in germany on March 14, 1879. His unusualability to mathematics and physics began to show itself at a technical school in Zurich. At the age of 21, after four years of university stady, Albert Einstein got a job as a clerk at an office. But already in 1905 h made revolutionary discoveries in science. He published three papers. In the first he explained the photoelectric effect by means of planck’s quantum theory. The second paper devoloped a mathematical theory of Brownian motion. He presented his third paper on “Special Theory of Relativity” to a physical journal. Einstein expressed his theory in the equation E=mc², roughly that energy equals mass times the square of the speed of light.
All over the world scientists real the work with great surprise. Few physicists understood its importance at that time. Everybody wanted to know as much as possible about the author. In which institute did he teach? In what laboratory did he do his research?
Albert Einstein was a very talented man, a great thinker. He had an ability to look at the world with eyes full of wonder. All problems were new to him and he liked to solve them in his own way.
Einstein’s fame among scientists grew slowly but surely. For a few years he lived in Prague where he worked as a professor. When he came to Prague, he often told his students: “I shall always try to help you. If you have problem, come to me with it, we shall solve it together.”
He liked questions and answered them at once , for there were no simple or foolish questions for him. He spoke much his students about scientific problems and his new ideas. His advice to young students was: “don’t take easy problems.”
Einstein continued his research. His unified field theory was the result of 35 years of intense work. He expressed it in four equations where he combined the physical laws that control forces of relativity but for a logical explanation of the photoelectric effects.