Контрольная работа: RP/BBC English or British English as a standard language
2. Gimson, A.C. Jones and Standards of English Pronunciation// English Studies. – Vol.58. - №2. – 1997. – P.152 – 157.
3. Gimson, A. C. Gimson’s Pronunciation of English. Sixth Edition. / Revised by Alan Gruttenden. London, New York: Edward Arnold, 2001. – 339 p.
4. Coggle, Paul. Do you speak Estuary? – London: Bloomsbury, 1993.
5. Leitner G. The Consolidation of “Educated Southern English” as a Model in the Early 20th Century // IRAL. Vol.20. – 1982. – P. 94-95.
6. Maidment, J.A. Estuary English: Hybrid or Hype? //Paper Presented at the 4th New Zealand Conference on Language and Society. – Cristchurch: Linkoln University, 1994.
7. Rosewarne, David. Estuary English. //Times Educational Supplement, 19 October 1984.
8. Wells, John C.Accents of English. – Cambradge, London, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Books 1, 2,3. – 685p.
9. Wells, J.C. Whatever happened to Received Pronunciation //II Jornadas de Estudios Ingleses. – Univesidad de Jaen, 1997. – P. 19-28.
10. Wells, John C. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2000. – 1827p.
11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_English
12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_British
13. http://lister.ultrakohl.com/homepage/Lkj/sonny.htm
14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_differences
15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_American