Контрольная работа: The ways to increase effectiveness of e-marketing in "Print Express Company"

4. Research Methodology

In order to define effectiveness of Print Express Company marketing activity it is necessary to carry out an estimation of marketing effectiveness regularly.

At the considered company the complex estimation of marketing activity was never carried out. Therefore within the limits of the given project I attempt to estimate quality of marketing activity of Print Express Company in order to achieve my research objectives.

In order to estimate marketing activity effectiveness of the company named above I chose direct method of estimation by making a questionnaire (the Appendix 1), containing 15 questions on performance of functions. Each question has 3 options to answer which are estimated in points from 0 to 2. The Maximum quantity of points on each question is equal 2. On the basis of the received answers the points estimating efficiency of various directions of marketing activity have been put (Appendix 2).

I carried out the research in Print Express Company Marketing and Sales department directly.

Given results testify that despite lacking a system and structure of Print Express Company’s e-marketing activity.

1. Lack of e-marketing strategy. Delivering information is a service that needs to be focused on definite market demand backed by appropriate product, strongly targeted customers and becoming pricing model.

2. Unadjusted product strategy. When Print Express Company was launching its product the market it was targeting was still in pregnancy, it was nascent market. Established companies who really had understood the importance of e-commerce in the future were focusing on in-house solutions developing. Growing companies hadn’t realized this importance yet, but those who had were open to experiment with simple and low-cost decisions. And these two groups of customers were on the extreme edges of the market and making decision model.

3. Unjustified pricing model. Firstly, the price of the product for the growing and still scaring market is too high. Secondly, the pricing model targets long-term partner relationships, that was to ealy for the nascent market that preferred short-term relationships.

4. Wrong target market. Customers that were mostly targeted by the company as a closer bunch to its well-established parents were generally not making as aggressive move to the Internet as were some of the smaller retailers. Moreover, the well-established the company’s product decision was too complex for usual users. Most virtual companies that really needed company’s product were less sophisticated from a business infrastructure standpoint and did not yet see the need for an ERP-like system.

Thus, it is possible to establish that financial and economic indicators of Print Express Company would be much better if centralize marketing functions, strengthen control over marketing activity and behind an expenditure of budgetary funds. Proceeding from it we could recommend:

1) To enter the reporting on planning, organizing and controlling carrying out of marketing actions. It will allow to simplify process of an estimation of marketing activity and to save money resources on carrying out of inefficient marketing actions.

2) To begin working out of electronic information base for simplification of work with clients, to create «the book of the client» in which to skid all nuances of work with the given customer.

3) It is obligatory to fix the reason on which the client has addressed Print Express Company services, and also – a source of the company’s information.

The ways to increase the effectiveness of e-marketing in Print Express Company.

1. Web site

As one of the most significant ways to increase the effectiveness of e-marketing at any company is to consider optimization of its communicative policy. The communicative policy is a course of actions of the company, directed on planning and realization of interaction of firm with all subjects of marketing system on the basis of use of a complex means of Internet communications.

Marketing communications in the Internet can be divided into two kinds:

a) The communications connected with creation and perfection of the goods and its behavior in the market;

b) The communications connected with advancement of the goods.

The company Web-site usually acts as the central element of the communicative policy in the Internet. The Web-site gives the companies a wide number of additional possibilities, in addition to accessible earlier communication services. Their main feature consists that now the company can give to users additional service: information, to sell the goods and services.

2. Application of Internet advertizing elements

Advertizing today is one of the most widespread tools of a communicative policy. The Internet is an effective remedy of advertizing. It is connected with the multimedia nature of its environment, allowing to use all possible kinds of finishing to the information user. The Internet is the interactive environment that gives to the advertiser an effective mode of the focused influence on target audience and concrete users.

The Internet as the advertizing tool considerably differs from traditional advertizing means not only the properties, but also applied approaches.

3. Application of e-marketing elements

When the Internet only started to develop actively, the e-mail marketing was usually used for advertizing only. But, gradually, this technology has started to draw attention of serious firms which considered it in the beginning as cheaper alternative compare to mail. With growth of Network users, many have started to realize e-mail marketing. Falling of efficiency of the banner advertizing caused by explosive growth of number of banners, and also, not in the last instance, occurrence of effective programs.

Unlike banners which are used as a mode to draw attention of potential clients, the e-mail can serve variety of the purposes: sale of production and services, by use of specialized mailings, a fast and convenient mode of dialogue with clients, especially if they live in other time zone.

Using electronic mailing makes possible:

a) to suggest the interested organizations to become your dealers or distributors;

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