Контрольная работа: The ways to increase effectiveness of e-marketing in "Print Express Company"

c) to invite your partners and colleagues to exhibitions, meetings, seminars, banquets, presentations, press conferences;

d) to send the newsletters, press releases;

4. Creation marketing information system.

The majority of the companies have the representations in the Internet (web-sites or easier pages) where the information on their activity, offers, requirements and so forth is presented. The Internet gives fine possibilities for carrying out marketing competitive investigation.

To survive in high competitive conditions Print Express Company should trace all changes in the market: requirements of buyers, a parity of the prices, actions of competitors, creation of new products, and introduction of new elements. In order to solve these marketing problems Print Express Company should possess system of reception, storage and the analysis of the marketing information that called marketing information system (MIS) – system of actions for gathering, sorting, and analyzing of the marketing information.

The basic advantages of using MIS: a) the organized gathering of the information; b) wide coverage of the information; c) the prevention of crises in firm activity; d) coordination of marketing plans; e) high speed analysis; f) representation of a quantitative results.

5. Timescale

Week 1 – Week 3 Choice of research topic and literature review

Week 4 – Research problem – clarification of specific question

Week 5 – Assumptions and hypothesizes

Week 6 – Identify concepts, constructs and models

Week 7 Data analysis

Week 8 Data analysis

Week 9 – Interpretation and conclusions about the research problem

Week 10 – Review and improvements in problem solving


marketing globalization internet effectiveness

1. ZONGQING, Z. 2004. E-Commerce and Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism. Canada: Thomson Delmar Learning.

2. KRISHNAMURTY, S. 2006. Contemporary research in e-marketing. London: Idea Group Publishing.

3. NANSI, S. and MURTHY, V.K. 2003. Architectural issues of Web-enabled electronic business. London: Idea Group Publishing.

4. ZHIVETIN, V.V., SAMOHVALOV, V.L., CHERNOV, N.P., FERAPONOVA I.A. 2008. E-marketing as the way to increase profitability. Marketing. 36. p. 74.

5. TUGAN-BARANOVSKY, M., BALABANOV, L.V. 2006. Effectiveness of marketing: methods and results. 2-nd edn. Moscow: Finance and statistic.

6. JASHEVOJ, G.A. 2007. Practical marketing. 5th edn. Moscow: UNITY.

7. ASSEL, G. 2007. Introduction to marketing. 3rd edn. Moscow: High school of economics

8. KOTLER, P. 2002. Marketing management. 1-st European edn. Essex: Pearson Education limited.

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