Курсовая работа: Aerospace industry in the Russian province
4. Litvintsev G. Planes of business incubator: Beginning act creating a new model of small aircraft / Russian business newspaper. 2007. № 609. C. 4.
5. The official portal of the Government of the Penza region - http:// www.penza.ru 6. Official website of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos): http://www.federalspace.ru
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9. Resolution of the Government of the Voronezh region, "On approval of the concept of regional innovation policy for 2010 - 2015 years" from February 11, 2010 N 70 / / Legal safeguards system.
10. Resolution of the Voronezh Regional Duma "On the regional target program" Development of small aircraft of the Voronezh region in 2007 - 2011 years "on October 12, 2006 N 602-IV-ML / / Collection of legal acts of the Voronezh region. - 2006. - № 54. - St.271.
11. Resolution of the Government of the Kaluga region on the long-term target program "The use of space activities and advanced GIS technology for socio-economic development of the Kaluga Region for 2010-2012" dated July 5, 2010 № 263 / / Legal safeguards system.
12. Resolution of the Government of the Penza region, "On approval of provisions on the Office of Industry, Transport and Energy of the Penza region (in red. Resolutions of the Government of the Penza region. From 31.01.2008 N 43-PP, of 17.06.2008 N 380-PP, of 05.11.2008 N 738 -PP, of 21.11.2008 N 781-PP, of 17.02.2009 N 127-PP, of 17.04.2009 N 306-PP) on June 17, 2008 N 380-PP / / Official Site of the Government of the Penza region - http: / / www.penza.ru
13. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Federal Target Program" Development of Russian civil aviation in 2002-2010 and the period up to 2015 "dated October 15, 2001 № 728 (in the red. RF Government Regulation 24.08.06 № 519 from 05.11.2007 № 284 from 07.05.08 № 364 from 04.10.08 № 742, as amended. made by a governmental decree 21.10.04 № 1355-P (ed. 10/05/2005)) / / Collected Legislation. 2001. № 43. St.4107.
14. Rosagronavigatsiya Order "On measures to implement the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation" On Amendments to the federal target program "Global Navigation System" from September 12, 2008 "from 28.11.08 № 211 / / Legal safeguards system.
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17. Russian Federal Space Program for 2006-2015. (PCF-2015), approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 22, 2005 № 635 / / The official website of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos): http / / federalspace.ru
18. Federal Portal: Aviation & Space cluster in the Samara region - http://protown.ru