Курсовая работа: Bipolar transistors

Bipolar transistors. (6.19)

where Bipolar transistors and Bipolar transistors - back currents of emitter and collector junctions measured accordingly at abruption of a collector and the emitter. With the account (6.18), (6.19) relations (6.17) are conversed to an aspect

Bipolar transistors; (6.20)

Bipolar transistors; (6.21)

Bipolar transistors. (6.22)

Bipolar transistors

Fig. 6.5. Equivalent nonlinear Ebers-Moll’s model for BT

In computing methods of the analysis of transistor circuits with the help of a computer the wide circulation was received by nonlinear model of the Gummel-Pun’s transistor, which grounded on the solution of integrated relations for charges and links exterior electrical performances a charge in basis of transistor structure. It is very precise model explaining many physical effects, but its exposition needs major number of parameters, so for the analysis in a wide frequency range 25 parameters are necessary. The sequential simplification of Gummel-Pun’s model eventually reduces in the elementary Ebers-Moll’s model. Therefore at the analysis of the concrete circuits it is necessary to search for the reasonable compromise between an exactitude of the solution and complexity of model.

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