Курсовая работа: Financial planning business and ways to improve its performance

Planning - is one of the most complex and difficult types of brain activity specific to humans. The difficulty is that the administration - a practical activity, and how and what to do, to be determined when to act. [18, sec. 7]

The basis of financial planning is the financial strategy of the enterprise. Financial strategy - part of the overall economic development strategy, which includes a system of long-term financial objectives of the enterprise and how to achieve them. Develop financial strategy of the enterprise associated with the solution of the following main tasks:

• justification of the main sources of financial support of the company;

• selection of the best ways of investment company;

• minimize the financial risks of the enterprise;

• ensuring financial stability and profitability;

• identifying ways to exit the enterprise with the financial crisis and management practices under the critical situation of the enterprise.

The financial strategy is the basis for the development of financial policies. The financial policy of the company - a form of financial strategy for some aspects of its financial activities ¬ ties. Financial policy is developed in some directions financing activities: policy of asset and capital structure, asset management policy and investment policy to attract financial resources (of own financial resources and involvement from outside sources). In turn, the policies of their financial means may include separate units:

• pricing - pricing subject to demand and supply (the dynamics of market conditions) and the cost of manufacturing and selling products;

• depreciation policy - management-counting of depreciation for investment in their enterprise development;

• dividend policy - optimization between the share of income that goes to dividends, and that part of the profit ¬ tion that capitalized;

• investment policy - the choice and implementation of the most profitable projects, expansion and renovations to further economic development enterprise. [13, sec. 328 - 329]

Using finance enables businesses sphere of material production process to ensure continuity of play, the resolution of industrial, economic and social head ¬ tribute, the formation of centralized and decentralized funds ¬ shovyh public funds at both the state and business entities.

Having financial relations in enterprises in the process of their creation, their implementation of industrial-financial activity, ¬ work of distribution of income and savings, the establishment of adequate funds.

Thus, finance is a system of monetary relations that arise in the process of obtaining irozpodiyiu incomes and ¬ kopychen, formation and use of appropriate funds of funds. [22, sec. 7]

The aim is to provide financial planning business activities necessary funding sources.

Financial Planning (except the already mentioned methods of calculation ¬ Kiv) requires extensive use of economic-mathematical simulation of ¬. This method enables the discovery of expression quantitative relationships between financial indicators and factors that determine it. [21, sec. 219]

Financial planning is one of the most significant and important tool of financial management of modern enterprise.

1.2 Summary and objectives of financial plan

financial planning business

The key point in the financial planning business is a financial plan, which in monetary terms characterizes all sides of production and economic activity, and summarizes the major provisions contained in other sections of the plan of economic and social development plans.

In developing the financial plan of the condition of cash flow and real them, the financial stability of the enterprise and use of inputs.

For the financial plan of the project output should scrutinize incoming and outgoing cash flows. Systematic Cash receipts from sales and other business enterprises are incoming flow, payments, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and others - closed.

The positive flow of funds means that the enterprise at this point of time feels excess of receipts over payments, negative - the opposite situation. [21, sec. 290]

According to a market economy to solve industrial and commercial jobs that require investment, it is necessary to develop intracompany document - business plan.

The business plan should:

- Give concrete ideas on how to operate an enterprise that it will take place in the market;

- Contain all the characteristics of future manufacturing enterprises, describe in detail the scheme of its operation;

- To reveal the principles and methods of leadership now

- Must contain a financial management program that you can not start without any task and ensure the effectiveness of its implementation;

- To show the prospects of companies investors and creditors. [21, sec. 292]

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