Курсовая работа: Financial planning business and ways to improve its performance

These objectives addressed by rational management of financial flows between the company and its funding sources (both internal and external) obtained:

- Due to financial and economic activities;

- The financial market from the sale of stocks, bonds, borrowing;

- Return of financial market interest and dividends as payment for capital;

- Payment of tax payments;

- Investment and reinvestment in the development of enterprise. [8. 269]

Experience shows that no strategic or even tactical decisions and managers will not be met unless it is backed by movement of financial resources. So, how much a managerial decisions related to available financial capacity, depend on the viability and long-term business. Common to all solutions is a basic principle of "economic compromise, whereby each time a decision the manager must weigh the benefits that are, and actual costs. Periodically, the cumulative effect of these compromises can be seen when work or financial value of the business are assessed or due to the financial statements, or using a special analysis.

Decisions are made by managers affect the movement of controlling resources. These movements are described by the term "equity flows» (funds flows), which means the resources invested businesses in the form of cash, accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, or business received in the form of loans, bonds or equity. E. Helfert substantiates the relationship equity flows in the business. [8. 282 - 284]

The system consists of three segments that correspond to the three main branches of decision making. The top segment shows the three components of investment: already existing investment base, additions as new deposits and withdrawal of deposits that are unnecessary.

The central segment shows the interaction in the process of the three main elements: prices, sales and cost of production. Lower segment provides double the financing business, first part reflects the disposal of profits from production activities, the second - the possible source of funding long-term capital. It shows the ownership of shareholders, which increased the amount of retained earnings and long-term loans from the side. Decisions related to retained earnings and long-term capital, affect the stock of potential, supporting amendments to the investment base.

E. The proposed concept Helfertom base system displays multiple dynamic business relationships between the key management decisions, strategies, types of financial policies and movement of funds.

Orderliness between these variables is an important aspect Dovhove success. Financial management has many techniques for solving complex business problems. [10, sec. 67]

CHAPTER III. Means of improving financial planning

3.1 Improving financial planning in modern business environment

The main problem for any business - cost saving. The main ways to reduce costs is to save all kinds of resources consumed in production: labor and material. Thus, a significant portion in the structure of production costs is wages. Therefore the task of saving labor manufactured products, increase productivity, reduce headcount.

Reduced complexity of products, increase labor productivity can be achieved in different ways. The most important of them - the mechanization and automation of production, development and application of advanced, high technology, modernization and replacement of obsolete equipment.

As sources of funds for improvement finasovoho planning, then these include:

1. The implementation of products with immediate payment or a discount.

2. Getting receivables.

3. Sale of reserve cash assets.

4. Sale of tangible and intangible assets (excess inventory).

5. Obtaining bank loans.

6. Attracting investments, private equity and other contributions to the statutory fund. [20, p.. 102]

The first four ways more appropriate because it does not lead to an increase in the balance sheet. In these cases, funds are created through restructuring of assets. The last two can be used to support the current solvency in extreme cases, because they lead to the diversion of borrowed funds from the targeted use.

But on current liquidity, then this ratio is within normal limits. The company has a problem with cash. Therefore we must pay attention to sales for cash. This should facilitate the marketing policy (search for new, better-paying customers, new markets, expanding distribution network, improving product quality).

To replenish the equity must, first of all, assess the value of his involvement with various sources. Before you turn to outside sources of equity to be realized the possibility of its formation from domestic sources. A major internal source - earnings and depreciation.

So, to improve business production activities must be made as follows:

1. Accelerate the turnover of working capital through the intensification of supply;

2. Reducing processing costs through modernization of production equipment and new technologies. [20, p.. 108]

There should be a flexible system of discounts and credits to wholesalers, to study the effectiveness of the organization and conduct seasonal sell-off in price.

All these measures will enhance the institution proceeds and profits to a desired size, which may increase the return on capital.

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