Курсовая работа: Financial planning business and ways to improve its performance
- Forecast of sales;
- Balance of receipts and expenditures;
- A table of revenues and expenses;
- A forecast balance sheet assets and liabilities of the company;
- Calculation of break-even point.
All articles of the financial plan of the enterprise are based on indicators of production plan (production volume, cost estimates for production, investments, etc.). Thus, the production plan plays a major role in financial planning. The process of streamlining the financial plan is not arithmetic recalculation of planned production figures in finance. These two types of planning are interdependent and influence each other.
All articles of the financial plan of the enterprise are based on indicators of production plan (production volume, cost estimates for production, investments, etc.). Thus, the production plan plays a major role in financial planning. The process of streamlining the financial plan is not arithmetic recalculation of planned production figures in finance. These two types of planning are interdependent and influence each other. [9, sec. 78]
Activities related to the formulation of each financial plan provides for certain kinds of work using appropriate methods (see Table 1.1.).
The basis of promising financial planning is forecasting which embodies the strategy on the market. Financial forecasting is to explore possible financial position on a prospect. Unlike planning, forecasting involves the development of alternative financial indicators and parameters, which use according to the trends of the market makes it possible to identify a version of the financial condition of the company.
The result of the long-term financial planning is the development of three key documents:
1) weather report on revenues and expenditures;
2) Cash Flow;
3) forecast the balance of assets and liabilities of the company.
In addition, the financial plan provides justification of investment in the firm and sources of their receipt (the attraction of loans, financial leasing, equity or share capital, etc.), income statement and its use, report on financial and property performance for the last reporting year.
By making a financial plan should take into account that the amount of expenses and deductions should be the amount of income and cash flows. Did ¬ however given that one type of sources (profit) may in ¬ kryvatysya several types of expenses before making the financial plan should vzayemou zhodzhu making (balance) pi costs Lama ¬ sources to cover them.
1.3 Operational Financial Planning
In raising the efficiency of production plays an important role of operative management. However, the efficiency of production processes nychymy ¬ regulation of payments to employees of the enterprise, customers and suppliers, all levels of financial and credit system (budget, centralized off-budget funds, institutions, banks, etc.).. ensure solvency ¬ Nosta enterprise largely depends on the organization of operational financial planning, which includes drafting primarily ¬ change payment calendar.
Payment calendar - a document that appear in ¬ accurate receipts on a certain period.
Purpose of payment calendar is to fix the current expenses and cash flows, sequence and duration of the now all calculations for a certain period. This calendar allows financial services companies in ¬ bezpechuvaty timely execution and settlement of payment obligations ¬ bearing, set changes and the level of solvency, finance ¬ tion of normal economic activity in the correspond ¬ down period. [22, sec. 272]
Financial planning helps to reveal internal reserves for the needs of enterprises for bezpechuyetsya follows:
- First, it turns out her need for the most efficient use of production facilities ¬ formalities, quality improvement:
- Secondly, the implementation plans Ji profit and volume of other financial resources (eg amortyzatsiyina complete reproduction of fixed assets);
- Third, financial resources, which is determined in the planning, do not allow the company makes or create excessive stocks of material resources, to make unplanned capital investment.
The main tool for financial planning in a modern enterprise is a financial plan ¬ prises (balance income and expenditure), widely used in practice with such tools as financial planning, as a payment calendar, a business plan.
Payment calendar consists of two sections.
The first section includes all types of expenditure (payments) for enterprises ¬ prises planning period: the salaries and ¬ pryrivnya them to her charges, taxes and charges paid to the budget and extra budgetary funds to pay suppliers accounts for inventory values and services provided, work performed on capital construction and major repairs;
The second section displays balances of accounts in banks and companies on hand and expected cash flows from various sources: the proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and inventory, receipt of redemption ¬ tion of receivables from centralized sources. [22, sec. 274]
The main tasks of operating a financial planning business are:
- Providing production and investment necessary financial resources;
- Making rational financial relationships with business entities, banks, insurance companies, etc.;