Курсовая работа: Інтерактивна система навчання для вивчення англійської мови

const char badAnswer02[] = "\n\nAnother wrong answer.\n\n";

const char badAnswer03[] = "\n\nDon't do this to me! Wrong answer. :( \n\n";

const char badAnswer04[] = "\n\nYou scare me. Wrong!\n\n";

const char badAnswer05[] = "\n\nNo no no! Not that one.\n\n";

const char question1[] = "What color is a dollar bill?\n";

const char question2[] = "If you have 3 quarters, you have...\n";

const char question3[] = "George Washington cut down what kind of tree?\n";

const char question4[] = "If A = B and B = C, then...\n";

const char question5[] = "Complete the phrase: Into the valley rode the...\n";

const char question6[] = "Who always saved Timmy?\n";

const char question7[] = "Who's first gold record was Hard Headed Woman?\n";

const char question8[] = "Who was author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn?\n";

const char question9[] = "What was Shirley Temple's real life last name?\n";

const char question0[] = "Who plays the Priest in Anne of Green Gables?\n";

const char question01[] = "If a Sirloin Steak is cooked rare, it is generally what color in the middle?\n";

const char question02[] = "If Coca Cola is applied to an egg shell, the shell turns what color?\n";

const char question03[] = "What is the sum of 30 times 30 plus 90 plus 25?\n";

const char question04[] = "Who is the voice of Bart Simpson?\n";

const char question05[] = "Who was the original Clarke Kent?\n";

int yourAnswer;

int yourAnswer1;

char yourName[128];

int counter = 0;

int counter2 = 0;

int correctAnswers = 0;

unsigned long int score;

int walkAway();

void continueProgram();

int playMillionaire();

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