Курсовая работа: Программирование в Бейсике
Me.Image2(i).Move arStayAbsciss(Mis, i) - w, arStayOrdinata(Mis, i) - w
Me.Image2(i).Visible = True
Me.Label14(i).Visible = True
Me.Label14(i).Move Image2(i).Left + 2 * w, Image2(i).Top
Me.Label14(i).Caption = arStayName(Mis, i)
Next i
For i = 0 To (AllBuses - 1)
Image1(i).Visible = False
Next i
If Boom = True Then Boom = False: First_Stay_of_Buses
For i = 0 To (arBusCount(Combo1.ListIndex) - 1)
If Mis <> 0 Then
a = i
For j = 0 To (Mis - 1)
i = i + arBusCount(j)
Next j
Me.Image1(i).Visible = True
i = a
GoTo 1
Me.Image1(i).Visible = True
End If
1: Next i
Me.Timer1 = True
If Misk <> 999 Then If Image1(Misk).Visible = True Then Image1_Click (Misk)
t = Time
tnow = Val(Mid$(Str$(t), 1, 2))
If tnow > t0 And tnow < t1 Or tnow > t2 And tnow < t3 Or tnow > t4 And tnow < t5 Or _
tnow > t6 And tnow <= t7 Then Label8.Caption = "60 êì/÷": Timer1.Interval = 5