Курсовая работа: Программирование в Бейсике
Private Sub Image1_Click(Index As Integer)
Misk = Index
For i = 0 To (AllBuses - 1)
Image1(i).Picture = LoadPicture("c:\ Курсовая моя\Иконки \Blue Bus.ico")
Next i
For i = 0 To (arBusCount(Mis) - 1)
If Mis <> 0 Then
a = i
For j = 0 To (Mis - 1)
i = i + arBusCount(j)
Next j
If i = Index Then
Frame1.Visible = False
Label4.Caption = arBusNumber(Mis, a)
Text1.Text = arDriveName(zmis, a)
Text2.Text = arConductorName(Mis, a)
Me.Label13.Caption = Str$(Fuel(Index))
Me.Image1(i).Picture = LoadPicture("c:\ Курсовая моя\Иконки \Purple Bus.ico")
End If
i = a
GoTo 1
If i = Index Then
Frame1.Visible = False
Label4.Caption = arBusNumber(Mis, i)
Text1.Text = arDriveName(Mis, i)
Text2.Text = arConductorName(Mis, i)
Me.Label13.Caption = Str$(Fuel(Index))
Me.Image1(i).Picture = LoadPicture("c:\ Курсовая моя\Иконки \Purple Bus.ico")