Курсовая работа: Учет лингвострановедческого компонента на занятиях по иностранному языку
9. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain? (M. Thatcher)
10. What events come to your mind when you look at the map of Great Britain and see the following place-names: Edinburgh, Alderborough, Langollen, Liverpool? (Queen Elizabeth II, the Beatles, Eisteddfod, Aldeborough Festival)
11. Where is the Poets' Corner? (in Westminster Abbey)
12. Give Russian equivalents of the English proverbs:
Don't pull my leg. | To be on the safe side. |
To beat the air. | From the horse's mouth. |
Keep your chin up. | Every cook praises his own broth. |
Score twice before you cut once. |
13. Do you know the history and culture of the countries the language of which you study?
1. Give the official name of the country.
2. Name the capitals of the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada (Washington, Canberra, Wellington, Ottawa)
3. What strait separates Great Britain from the continent? (the English Channel)
4. Who was the first President of America? (G. Washington)
5. Who was the 42nd President of the USA? (B. Clinton)
6. Who lives in 10, Downing street in London? (Prime Minister)
7. What English scientist did an apple fall on his head and helped him to discover a physics law? (I. Newton)
8. What was the real name of Mark Twain? (S. Clemens)
9. The British like to drink their tea with . . . . What kind of tea do they call Russian tea? (tea with lemon)
10. Name the king of the rock'n'roll. (E. Presley)
14. Are there polyglots among you?
1. What's the English for «Бытьилинебыть» (to be or not to be?)
2. Translate from Latin: «Veni, vidi, vici».
3. What's the French for «Look for a woman»?
4. Translate from Latin: «Terra incognita».
5. What's the English for «груднойребенок»?
6. Do you know how to greet a person in French? (Bonjour)
15. Do you know?
1. Give British equivalents of the following words:
1. elevator | 4. truck |
2. subway | 5. first floor |
3. movie |
2. What city does it belong to? It has three parts: the West End, the City and the East End:
a) New York
b) London
c) Moscow
3. Which statements are wrong: