Лабораторная работа: Audio recorder on visual basic

Private Sub cmdStopTime_Click ()

Dim wrst As String

wrst = WaveRecordingStopTime

If wrst < WaveRecordingStartTime Then wrst = WaveRecordingStartTime + TimeSerial (0, 15, 0)

wrst = InputBox ("Enter stop time recording", "Stop time", wrst)

If wrst = "" Then Exit Sub

If Not IsDate (wrst) Then

MsgBox ("The time you entered was not valid!")


' String returned from InputBox is a valid time,

' so store it as a date/time value in WaveRecordingStartTime.

If CDate (wrst) < WaveRecordingStartTime Then

MsgBox ("The stop time has to be later then the start time!")

WaveRecordingStopTime = WaveRecordingStartTime + TimeSerial (0, 5, 0)


WaveRecordingStopTime = CDate (wrst)

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load ()

Select Case Rate

Case 44100

optRate44100. Value = True

Case 22050

optRate22050. Value = True

Case 11025

optRate11025. Value = True

Case 8000

optRate8000. Value = True

К-во Просмотров: 620
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