Лабораторная работа: Audio recorder on visual basic

End If

WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & RecordingTimes

End If

StatisticsLabel. Caption = WaveStatisticsMsg


If WaveStatusMsg <> AudioRecorder. Caption Then AudioRecorder. Caption = WaveStatusMsg

If InStr (AudioRecorder. Caption, "stopped") > 0 Then

cmdStop. Enabled = False

cmdPlay. Enabled = True

End If

If RecordingTimes <> frmSettings. lblTimes. Caption Then frmSettings. lblTimes. Caption = RecordingTimes

If (Now > WaveRecordingStartTime) _

And (Not WaveRecordingReady) _

And (Not WaveRecordingImmediate) _

And (Not WaveRecording) Then




WaveRecording = True

cmdStop. Enabled = True 'Enable the STOP BUTTON

cmdPlay. Enabled = False 'Disable the "PLAY" button

cmdSave. Enabled = False 'Disable the "SAVE AS" button

cmdRecord. Enabled = False 'Disable the "RECORD" button

End If

If (Now > WaveRecordingStopTime) And (Not WaveRecordingReady) And (Not WaveRecordingImmediate) Then


cmdSave. Enabled = True 'Enable the "SAVE AS" button

cmdPlay. Enabled = True 'Enable the "PLAY" button

cmdStop. Enabled = False 'Disable the "STOP" button

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