Лабораторная работа: Audio recorder on visual basic

cmdSave. Enabled = False


Rate = CLng (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Rate", "110025"))

Channels = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Channels", "1"))

Resolution = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Resolution", "16"))

WaveFileName = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveFileName", "C: \Radio. wav")

WaveAutomaticSave = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveAutomaticSave", "True")

WaveRecordingImmediate = True

WaveRecordingReady = False

WaveRecording = False

WavePlaying = False

'Be sure to change the Value property of the appropriate button!!

'if you change the default values!


frmSettings. optRecordImmediate. Value = True

frmSettings. Show vbModal

End Sub

Private Sub cmdStop_Click ()


cmdSave. Enabled = True 'Enable the "SAVE AS" button

cmdPlay. Enabled = True 'Enable the "PLAY" button

cmdStop. Enabled = False 'Disable the "STOP" button

If WavePosition = 0 Then

Slider1. Max = 10


If WaveRecordingImmediate And (Not WavePlaying) Then Slider1. Max = WavePosition

If (Not WaveRecordingImmediate) And WaveRecording Then Slider1. Max = WavePosition

End If

If WaveRecording Then WaveRecordingReady = True

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