Лабораторная работа: The teaching knowlege test
Potseluev Andrei Aleksandrovich
1. Grammar
Task 1
I compared 2 grammar books. Practical English Usage by Michael Swan &. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy shows the basic rules of grammar with using of visual methods, and lots of exercises, which trains the users of this book. The book is intended for students of intermediate level.
In contrast to English Grammar in Use, Practical English Usage is theoretical material. It contains hundreds of grammar rules with examples, focus reader's attention on the most difficult points of English grammar for foreign learners and the most common mistakes. The book is intended for higher level students and for teachers.
They both are useful for studying language. I think that training is essential condition of success in learning, but good theory is on the basis of correct speech.
I would prefer Practical English Usage because it has helpful materials for studying and teaching, easy explanations of difficult grammar aspects, a great number of examples and “not to use examples”. It helps in all the forms of performance.
Task 2
*Active voice
In an active sentence, the subject of the verb usually does or causes the action, e.g. The car hit the tree.
*Passive voice, progressive
In a passive sentence, something is done to or happens to the subject of the verb, e.g. The tree was hit by the car.
* Clause
A clause generally consists of a subject and a finite verb relating to the subject and any other elements, e.g. object. A clause can be a full sentence or a part of a sentence.
Main clause
When the teacher arrived, the learners stopped talking.
Subordinate clause
When the teacher arrived, the learners stopped talking.
Relative clause
The learners who were sitting near the front stood up.
*Modal verb
A modal verb is a verb used with other verbs to show ideas such as ability or obligation or possibility. They include can, must, will, should, e.g. I can speak French, but I should study even harder.
A group of words often without a finite verb that do not form a sentence, e.g. the green car, on Friday morning are phrases. Also a group of words that together have a particular meaning.
*Question tag
A phrase such as isn’t it? or doesn’t he? that is added to the end of a sentence to make it a question, or to check that someone agrees with the statement just made, e.g. It’s very cold, isn’t it?
A form of the verb that shows whether something happens in the past, present or future.
Future forms