Лабораторная работа: The teaching knowlege test
blue water
blue collar
Task 2
Affix verb, affixation noun
A meaningful group of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to make a new word, which can be a different part of speech from the original word, e.g. interview, interviewer. Affixation is the process of adding a prefix or suffix to a word.
A word which sounds the same as another word, but has a different meaning or spelling, e.g. I knew he had won;
I bought a new book.
Phrasal verb , multi-word verb/unit
A verb/any part of speech which is made up of more than one word (e.g. a verb + adverb particle or preposition) which has a different meaning from each individual word, e.g. look after – A mother looks after her children .
The formality or informality of the language used in a particular situation. Formal register or language is used in serious or important situations, e.g. in a job application. Informal register or language is used in relaxed or friendly situations, e.g. with family or friends.
Idiom noun, idiomatic adjective
A group of words that are used together, in which the meaning of the whole word group is different from the meaning of each individual word, e.g. She felt under the weather means that she felt ill .