Реферат: A Country Report and Profile - Republic of Uzbekistan

Social and Cultural 5.2 5.5 6.2 9.2 70.8 n/a

A Country Report and Profile - Republic of Uzbekistan

Balance -0.4 -0.8 -0.2 -2.4 -54.1 -108.9

% of GDP -1.4 -1.0 -1.2 -3.6 -12.1 -2.5

A Country Report and Profile - Republic of Uzbekistan

* 1993 data are from the World Bank. They exclude non-budgetary accounts.

Sources: IMF, Economic Review: Uzbekistan; World Bank, Statistical Handbook: States of the Former USSR, 1994

IV. Tax Structure and Administration12

Corporate Taxation

Profit Tax

Uzbek entities ‑ taxed on their profits from all sources worldwide.

Foreign Entities ‑ taxed on profits from the entrepreneurial activities of their establishments in Uzbekistan.

Foreign entities receiving income from Uzbek sources other than through Permanent Establishments are subject to withholding tax on the gross amounts of the income without reduction for any expenses.

The general profit tax rate is 37%. This rate is reduced to 25% for entities with foreign investment of 30% or greater.

A tax return and activity report should be filed with the tax authorities by February 15. An audit opinion or an agreement for audit services should also be submitted by the appropriate deadline.

Social charges

Employers must make social insurance and employment fund contributions, as well as contributions to a trade union if applicable. The total amount payable, which is deductible for profits tax purposes, is 38% to 40% of each employee's gross salary, made up as follows:

Fund Rate

Social insurance 36%

employment 2%

Trade union (if applicable) 2%

Individual Taxation

A resident is defined as an individual who is physically present in Uzbekistan for 183 days or more in a calendar year. Residents are taxed on their worldwide income, while non‑residents are taxed only on their Uzbek sources income.

Taxable income for 1995 and 1996 is taxed at the following rates:

Taxable income (less annual non‑taxable minimum)

Up to 2 annual minimum wage 15%

2 to 5 annual minimum wage 25%

5 to 10 annual minimum wage 35%

Over 10 times annual minimum wage 40%

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