Реферат: Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты

301. Give an antonym to the word: To fail (an exam)

302. Give an antonym to the word: Beautiful

303. Give an antonym to the word: True

304. Give an antonym to the word: Wrong

305. Give an antonym to the word: Easy

306. Give an antonym to the word: Dirty

307. Give an antonym to the word: A week-end

308. Fill in a suitable word: Mario … twenty-nine.

309. Fill in a suitable word: Sara … two brothers and a sister.

310. Fill in a suitable word: How … is a piece of pizza?

311. Fill in a suitable word: Hello. … are you?

312. Fill in a suitable word: … me. Is your name Wendy?

313. Fill in a suitable word: Can you … me the time, please?

314. Fill in a suitable word: When do you … dinner?

315. Fill in a suitable word: I am a vegetarian. I don’t eat ….

316. Fill in a suitable word: Here you ….

317. Fill in a suitable word: Can I have a … of apple pie?

318. Fill in a suitable word: Ann is … intelligent than her sister.

319. Fill in a suitable word: Are you … tall as Mark?

320. Fill in a suitable word: How … oranges are there on the plate?

321. Fill in a suitable word: … New Year!

322. Fill in a suitable word: Would you … some ice-cream?

323. Fill in a suitable word: The soup on the … is onion soup.

324. Fill in a suitable word: There aren’t … flowers in the living room.

325. Fill in a suitable word: Would you like … apple juice?

326. Fill in a suitable word: I don‘t like … crosswords.

327. Fill in a suitable word: What … is the comedy on?

328. Fill in a suitable word: Here is your ticket and … card.

329. Fill in a suitable word: Are you reading a detective … ?

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