Реферат: Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты

358. Fill in the right form of the verb: I could (to read) when I was five.

359. Fill in the right form of the verb: Donald usually (to drive) to work.

360. Fill in the right form of the verb: We (to go) to Canada two years ago.

361. Fill in the right form of the verb:
Can you (to show) me the way to the post-office?

362. Fill in the right form of the verb: My brother (to be) born in 1982.

363. Fill in the right form of the verb:
Jane (to fall) in love with Paul when she was sixteen.

364. Fill in the right form of the verb:
If you need some bread, (to go) to the baker’s.

365. Fill in the right form of the verb: (not to close) the door, it’s hot in here.

366. Fill in the right form of the verb: If (to rain) tomorrow, I’ll stay at home.

367. Fill in the right form of the verb:
If I find a job, I (not to look for) another one.

368. Fill in the right form of the verb:
He will buy a car as soon as he (to pass) his driving exam.

369. Fill in the right form of the verb: My hand (to hurt), I think it’s broken.

370. Fill in the right form of the verb: When I woke up I (to feel) sick and dizzy.

371. Fill in the right form of the verb: Felix (not to have) to do the ironing.

372. Fill in the right form of the verb: Nurses have (to wear) uniforms.

373. Fill in the right form of the verb: I never (to be) on television.

374. Fill in the right form of the verb: Ann already (to make) a cake.

375. Fill in the right form of the verb:
How long Mr. Bean (to work) for this company?

376. Fill in the right form of the verb: Last year he (to retire).

377. Fill in the right form of the verb:
What you (to have) for breakfast yesterday?

378. Fill in the right form of the verb: When these books (to write)?

379. Fill in the right form of the verb: The road (to repair) yet?

380. Fill in the right form of the verb:
I didn’t go to bed until I (to finish) the report.

381. Fill in the right form of the verb:
He suddenly understood that she (to love) him all her life.

382. Fill in the right form of the verb: I don’t know where he (to live) now.

383. Fill in the right form of the verb: We’ll speak about it when he (to come).

384. Fill in the right form of the verb: Can you tell me when she (to be back)?

385. Fill in the right form of the verb: Listen! Some body (to play) the piano.

386. Fill in the right form of the verb: They (not to like) sweets.

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