Реферат: Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты

478. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
What sort of information are you interested …?

479. Fill in the blanks with a conjunction if necessary:
My back aches … sitting at the computer all day.

480. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
British men don’t show enough appreciation … the women.

481. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
This country has a low standard … living.

482. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Which questions are you usually asked when you go … customs.

483. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
I would like to book a single room … 5 nights.

484. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Have you got any things liable …. duty?

485. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
The Swedes lost … the Italians.

486. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
The gold cup was awarded … Hungary.

487. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
I’m particularly interested … jazz music.

488. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Some snakes are fed … rabbits and small birds.

489. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
The country is governed … Parliament.

490. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
These questions will be discussed … the conference.

491. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
I’m afraid we are short … petrol.

492. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
I don’t care … classical music.

493. Fill in the blanks with a conjuction if necessary:
The girl … is sitting next to you is Don’s sister.

494. Fill in the blanks with a conjuction if necessary:
In the town … I was born there were no theatres and museums.

495. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
He wondered why I hadn’t been … school for a week.

496. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
John has applied … the post of a sales representative.

497. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Alice was promoted … the post of the computer Manager.

498. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Mr. Jackson retired last year, and Mr. Young took ….

499. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
My nephew, George, works … banking.

500. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
His business is far … old-fashioned.

501. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
One of the disadvantages … being a teacher is a low salary.

502. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Which part … speech is “common”?

503. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Vera studies … her own but also needs a language course.

504. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Lillian majors … agriculture.

505. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Rob is a student … Durham University.

506. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
We can’t change anything … a receipt.

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