Реферат: Английский, практическая грамматика, вопросы и билеты

Jane was never a very reliable friend. If I were you, I'd try (forget) ...her.

174) Put the verb in brackets in the infinitive or the – ing form.

If your clothes don't seem very white after you’ve washed them, try (soak) ... them in a little bleach.

175) Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with a suitable form of participle.

(to have) ... delivered the message, the boy went home.

176) Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with a suitable form of participle.

We were awfully (to be shoked) ... by the company's decision, which seemed quite wrong to us.

177) Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with a suitable form of participle.

He was thrilled by the film and thought it very (to excite)...

178) Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with a suitable form of participle.

The burglar must have got in through (to break) ... window.

179) Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with a suitable form of participle.

(to suppose) ... you had no money, what would you do?

180) Write «must», «need» or a form of «have to» in each gap. Question forms and negatives are also included.

What time ... we ... leave for the airport? ... About 3 o'clock.

181) Write «must», «need» or a form of «have to» in each gap. Question forms and negatives are also included.

It's only a thirty-minute drive, so we (a) ... go until about 4 o'clock. I ... do my packing.I haven't started yet.

182) Rewrite the following sentence, using «must», «can’t», or «might».

I'm sure he hasn't retired yet. He still leaves the house every morning.

183) Rewrite the following sentence, using «must», «can’t», or «might».

I'm sure he isn't very welloff. His house is in a terrible mess.

184) Rewrite the following sentence, using must, can't, or might.

Perhaps he spent all his money when he was younger.

185) Rewrite the following sentence, using «must», «can’t», or «might».

I'm sure he does a lot of gardening. His garden looks beautiful.

186) Complete the sentence with a suitable phrasal verb.

The meaning of a phrasal verb is given in brackets. He won't be able ___ ___ that speed. (maintain)

187) Complete the sentence with a suitable phrasal verb.

Mr. White is ___ ___ with some sort of virus infection (go down).

188) Complete the sentence with a suitable phrasal verb.

The meaning of a phrasal verb is given in brackets. I don't see why you ___ ___ ___ foreigners. (despise)

189) Complete the sentence with a suitable phrasal verb.

The meaning of a phrasal verb is given in brackets. We must ___ ___ a date for the firm's Christimas party soon. (arrange).

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