Реферат: Английский, практическая грамматика, вопросы и билеты

If you (to give) me your telephone number, I will phone you.

92) Open the brackets filling the right form of the verb.

If they (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not have heard that famous musician.

93) Open the brackets filling the right form of the verb.

You wouldn’t have missed the teacher’s explanation if you (to arrive) in time.

94) Open the brackets filling the right form of the verb.

Mike’s vocabulary will increase greatly if he (to read) 50 pages every day.

95) Open the brackets filling the right form of the verb.

You wouldn’t have got a ‘two’ if you (to write) the test successfully.

96) Open the brackets filling the right form of the verb.

If I not (to know) English, I should not be able to enjoy Byron’s poetry.

97) Finish the following sentence.

I could have walked more quickly if my suitcase …

98) Finish the following sentence.

My room would be all right if it …

99) Finish the following sentence.

If you don’t like films, why …?

100) Change the following direct speech sentence into reported speech.

Sue says to me: 'I like to swim in the open sea.'

101) Change the following direct speech sentence into reported speech.

Jess is saying to Mary: 'I've tried to get you on the phone all morning.'

102) Change the following direct speech sentence into reported speech.

Peter said to Helen: 'I used to know him when we lived in Chicago.'

103) Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense form. Observe the rules of the sequence of tenses.

Bill looked concerned as he felt he (to be) ten minutes late.

104) Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense form. Observe the rules of the sequence of tenses.

We know she (to lay) the table just in time for dinner.

105) Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense form. Observe the rules of the sequence of tenses.

I felt she (to be) as sweet as she could be. And I was not mistaken: she really was.

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