Реферат: Английский, практическая грамматика, вопросы и билеты
31) Translate from Russian into English.
Я умираю от голода. С утра ничего не ел.
32) Translate from Russian into English.
В моей жизни существует так много проблем, и я еще не решил, что делать.
33) Translate from Russian into English.
– Когда ты купила новые туфли?
– О, я приобрела их в начале зимы.
34) Translate from Russian into English.
Когда я вышел из магазина, то обнаружил, что мой брат уже ушел домой.
35) Translate from Russian into English.
Мальчики играли в гольф уже полчаса, когда начался дождь.
36) Translate from Russian into English.
– Сколько денег было в вашем кошельке?
– Я не знаю, я не сосчитал их.
37) Translate from Russian into English.
– Как они обычно добирались до Кембриджа: на поезде или на автобусе?
38) Translate from Russian into English.
– Где они собирались провести зимние каникулы?
– В Англии.
39) Translate from Russian into English.
Я заметил, что у нее покраснели глаза. Она плакала?
40) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
Mr. Smith was within five minutes’ walk of Oxford Street.
41) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
The more English books you read, the richer becomes your English vocabulary.
42) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
She was a true heroine, yet only one of the unnumbered millions.
43) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
This magazine is three times as expensive as that.
44) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
We shall be able to send you the goods at the beginning of March provided that the order is received immediately.
45) Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
I have forgotten to bring my briefcase with me. I have to go back for it.
46) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
After he had come from the pool, he sat in the glow from the sunset.
47) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
Hardly had he finished his work when somebody knocked at the door.
48) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
As I had met Mr. Smith several times, I was able to recommend him to them as a very good manager.
49) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
I'll begin to work at 9 o'clock in the morning.When you return home at 4 o'clock, I'll have been working for 7 hours.
50) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
I thought that my friends had been waiting for me in the entrance hall for half an hour.
51) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
You had to raise this problem at the meeting, didn't you? – I couldn't do differently.
52) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
May I take your textbook? – Yes. You may but you mustn't give it to anyone. – You needn't say it to me, I know.
53) Translate the sentence from English into Russian. Mike likes being invited by his friends.
54) Translate the sentence from English into Russian.
Pete was quite disappointed at not finding the letters in the box.