Реферат: Business Information Systems Essay Research Paper GRC

Business Information Systems Essay, Research Paper

GRC Business Solutions


Business Information Solution

Over the years, the nature of business has changed drastically. Part of the reason for this is that businesses are no longer “local” in nature in the sense that the business does not necessarily sell only within its locality. It has to obtain goods and services from locations that are remote to it, and the products and services it sells are sold worldwide.

Thankfully, technology has kept up and actually spurred this growth. From the original telephone, to radio and then onto television, computers, Local Area Networks and finally to cable and satellites. We have achieved a truly global “business village.”

Out of necessity, computer systems have deeply woven themselves into the basic fabric of business. The real benefits achieved with a quality computer business system is to allow the business entities, owners, managers, employees, customers and vendors spend more time in the running of the business and less time on the “processing’ portion of the business.

Business is complex. Your job, no matter what your position or relationship to the company, is to focus on making the business profitable and therefore successful.

It is the responsibility of GRC Business solutions through our BIZ-VIEWS and other tools that we provide, to focus on the processing and decision support aspects of the business, so that our tools can run your business. We have a multi-faceted approach that includes hardware, software, training, aids and other devices to do this.

This proposal will focus on a very special set of tools to help you do your job.



GRC’s Business Plan

General Business Concepts Incorporated Into BIZVIEWS

Diagram of Processing a Simple Order

BIZVIEWS is a program designed to work with many different kinds of businesses, some of which may be very complex and require most or all of the features offered in BIZVIEWS. On the other hand, other businesses may require only the basic features of BIZVIEWS and possibly some options.

The purpose of this page is to introduce you to the BIZVIEWS product and give you some insight on how the product could fit into your business. This section does not provide complete detail on the sales order, but provides a selection of ideas to make your understanding of the more esoteric features of the program easier. Some of these features are only found in programs that cost thousands of dollars more. As we discuss the concepts and features of the program, you can select those features that work for you.


With BIZVIEWS, you can produce a quote for your customer of items that you want to sell him. The quote lists the items and prices. One advantage with BIZVIEWS is that you can put an unlimited amount of notes under each item to further describe the item. A quote to a customer should have a time limit as to how long the customer has to accept or reject it. The reason for this is that the costs or the availability of obtaining the products may change after time. In BIZVIEWS, you can set howl long the quote is good for in days in the SET-UP section of the system. You also have the ability to purge (delete) quotes from your program after the time limit has expired.

Stock can be checked to see if you have the product(s) available, or if you will have to create a purchase order.


A quote can be instantly turned into a sales order when the customer indicates acceptance and at that time, if necessary, it can be modified. A sales order is a commitment from a customer to buy the items on the sales order. At the same time, it is a commitment for you to deliver the items to the customer, on time and at the specified price.


The next step is to determine if the customer is creditworthy. The BIZVIEWS credit management system is one of the most flexible systems on the market. The following features are incorporated into BIZVIEWS:

CREDIT LIMIT. In ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE / CUSTOMER CREDIT MANAGEMENT you can establish a credit limit for any customer.

CREDIT HOLD. The customer can be put on a total credit hold so that he/she cannot charge any amount to the account. The customer can still make cash, credit card and check transactions.

ADJUSTING CREDIT DURING SALES. BIZVIEWS can be set up to allow the sales person to grant some additional or starting credit for a customer if permission to do so was established in the SET-UP MODULE. In SET-UP, we establish a dollar amount limit that the sales person could grant. For example, a new customer is entered within BIZVIEWS with no credit limit established (CREDIT LIMIT = 0). Previously in SET-UP, a limit of $300 was set for the field INCREASE CREDIT AMOUNT. This means that the sales person has the authority to grant up to $300 in credit or increased credit.


While adding an item to a sales order you can view how much stock you have. What if you have 20 pieces in stock and the order is for 5 pieces that the customer wants immediately shipped to him. Can you satisfy the order? The answer is yes. You can ship him the item, but what about other orders in the system for the same item. By shipping him the item you might be taking stock away from other orders promised to other customers. “Allocations” is designed to avoid this situation by automatically displaying what stock is “available” to this sales order after first looking at the other sales orders for the item in the system and subtracting them from the quantity in stock. If there is a balance left, then the balance can be applied to this order for the item. If the quantity available is zero, then you have the option of not accepting the order or accepting it and creating a purchase or manufacturing order to get stock in to cover the order by the time that the order is scheduled to ship. The process of allocations can be violated at any time by shipping an unallocated order for the item. The system will reallocate the orders remaining on the system.


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