Реферат: Business Information Systems Essay Research Paper GRC


Determine if your company needs a new computer system.

Create a Project Team.

Determine if outside help is warranted.

Create a Project Plan and schedule.

Review and compare software programs.

Select software and hardware.

Convert files.

Resolve all Issues.

Train personnel.

Cut over to new system.

Review implementation results periodically.


Discuss the following with your management team, your co-workers and others that you respect and optionally write down the discussion results.

Are you presently using a single computer system to run your business? In addition, if so, are you starting to outgrow it?

Is it a “legacy” system that is not “state of the art”?

Are you presently using a series of different computer programs to try to run your business such as: spreadsheet programs, word processors, contact management programs, accounting programs, etc.?

As well as you can determine is your competition running their business using a computer system? Are they starting to move ahead of you, or do you feel that they may be getting an “edge” on you?

Do you spend an appreciable amount of your time trying to gauge the health of you business?

Are you missing information that would be helpful in running your business, that you suspect would be available if you had a system with features such as whether you are operating within budget, or that your inventory is increasing while sales are declining?

Do your employees spend a large amount of time, or you on tasks that are better accomplished by the computer. Do you have to do constant or repetitive tasks, make calculations, or copy information from one source to another place?

Make a list before reviewing any software of what features you would expect a new system to have. Make this list as comprehensive as possible. It may be helpful to formulate this list by function to be performed (e.g. Order Entry, Purchasing, etc.). Create another list of expect benefits. Create an ROI (Return on Investment document) that shows both tangible benefits ($) that could be derived from a new system, and intangible benefits (e.g. not working Saturdays).

From all this, you can determine if is of benefit to continue and start a project.



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