Реферат: Callaway Golf Case Essay Research Paper Contents1

As well there is a program, which supports sales of non-current product through price reductions etc.

Professionals, who are not contracted by the company, but use Callaway Equipment, can be rewarded for that through Cash Pools .


In Service the company grants a written two-year warranty to its costumers, as well it provides testing facilities for endorsed pros.

Each of these groups has to be seen connected with support activities like


Actually Callaway relies on a limited number sources, but the company is observing the market to find alternatives and to be in condition to react faster in case of delivery interruptions etc.

Technology development

Callaway s technology development section run by R.Helmstetter is the source for its enormous innovative capacity which made it possible to improve the offered product in very short development periods (full product pipeline) and to maintain the position as technology leader.

Human resources management

Callaway s Human resource management does very well, provides the long term leadership succession plan and finally provided the company with a number of talented people recruited through different channels.


By delivering the necessary data for restructuring the primary activities of the company the systems of planning, finance etc. as well demonstrated that they function well

The combination of all these factors in the case of Callaway Golf led to a quite good gross margin of 47%.

The internal linkages at Callaway function very well (see above), external we have seen the reconfiguration of the value chain by deleting activities outside the core business (Callaway Golf Media Ventures etc.) and the acquisition, restructering and integration of Odyssey to complete the product scope..

Comparative analysis and benchmarking

The historical analysis I did integrate in chapter 4.1. The Present Strategy . Because of the lack of industry norms I am not able to execute an industry norm analysis at this point. The same is valid for Benchmarking.


Stakeholders are individuals or groups who depend on the organization to fulfill their own goals. We categorize them after their level of Interest and Power.

* Group A has low Interest and low Power, it cost the company a minimal effort

Group B has high interest and low power, mostly it is sufficient to keep them informed

Group C has low interest but high power, the company should keep them satisfied

Group D is with high interest and high power of critical importance

In the case of Callaway Golf we can identify the following groups of stakeholders. Every of these groups we can divide up in some more groups, for example not every shareholder is of the same importance for the company, not every subcontractor has the same extend of power, not every administration has neutral attitude to the companies strategy etc. I will limit myself on detecting the different groups of stakeholders, because to identify and to categorize more profound we need more particular information.


They are mainly interested in the payment of dividends and in a raising stock price, this could cause problems for Callaway because the Stock price is very low. However, Callaway paid a stable dividend of USD 0.28 per share during the last 3 years. For example the shareholder interests could force Callaway Golf to launch a program to buy its own shares back, just to stabilize the share price. The shareholders are key players in the stakeholder analysis because of their possibility to directly influence the policy of the company. Most important appear the institutional ones who are quite powerful.


For employees the stock price is not that important, it is more in their interest to keep there jobs, to be contempt with their job and to earn money. Basically we can say that the success of the company is their most vital interest. As well we can consider them as key players, they affect very much productivity and success of a company. In case of Callaway they are very supportive.


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