Реферат: Concepts of democracy

Democracy - the most civilized and developed a political profile. Most modern population of the world deeply and consciously perceived support democratic values and ideals. To develop, democratic forms of political life needed social, economic and cultural base. Without them in the political process is undemocratic forms. This is - first, a high level of economic development, diversity of ownership, the presence of a developed market, competitive producers. In fact, democracy itself resembles a political market with its competition of ideas, programs and positions. Second, a high degree of political culture. Culture and society in general, especially in political life, is a powerful catalyst for democratic processes.

When all possible deviations from the trend among leading public increasingly confirms the understanding of the universality of the principles and values of liberal democracy. The realization that democracy - is not only the traditional set of principles of parliamentarism, pluralism and multiparty system. This is the first real democracy. Last comes only when democracy grows from the bottom, not imposed from above, when a deputy for each of imperative mandate is actually united by common interests group of people - self-governing collective labor, government committees neighborhood association of consumers, trade unions, etc.All this requires an appropriate political and civic culture in particular, genuine civil society and many other conditions which provides a lot of effort by the political forces of national revival.

With Ukraine, here as in other post-totalitarian, post-communist countries, the strengthening of liberal democracy - taking into account national traditions - a long and difficult Liberal democracy is impossible without the development of an appropriate political elite to ensure its interaction with the institutions of democracy.

Discrepancy between institutional and procedural areas of popular culture, society or it shape the political values as the periodic crises in developed democracies, and the inconsistency and contradictions of democratization in transitional societies. Similarly, many existing models of democracy or to emphasize some of the above aspects of democracy, or on certain values (eg value of political competition J. Schumpeter).

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