Реферат: Holidays of Russia
On fourteenth of February - an especial holiday. It is known as Valentine’s Day - a holiday of all enamored. It is one of few foreign holidays whom it is successful at us has got accustomed and every year becomes more and more mass. It is possible to consider it joint - both men, and female. It can celebrate at any age, after all the love does not have borders. Loving couples mark this romantic holiday all over the world. As it is known, the name to this holiday was given by simple Christian priest Valentine who secretly crowned enamored legionaries, for what has been executed.
As the Christian martyr priest Valentine for the belief has been canonized by church. In 496 year on fourteenth of February by the Pope has been declared in the Afternoon of sacred Valentine. In Russia and the CIS countries Day of sacred Valentine is marked from the beginning of the ninetieth years of the twentieth century.
On February, 23rd Day of the defender of fatherland
On twenty third of February in Russia it is accepted to congratulate men on Day of the defender of Fatherland (the holiday was marked for the first time at the time of Soviet Union and it is marked now in Russia, in Ukraine, in Belarus and Dnestr region). This day we pay a tribute of respect and thanks to those who courageously protected the native earth from aggressors, and also that who in a peace time draws hard and responsible duty. Informally the holiday is considered day of men which accept congratulations since February, twenty third not only from an opposite sex, but also from friends and colleagues. For the first time the holiday was marked in 1922 and «Day of Red army» was called. With 1946 on 1993 it was called «Day of the Soviet Army and Navy fleet». For today on twenty third of February according to the Federal law of the Russian Federation «About days of military glory (victorious days) Russia» (1995) is called as Day of the defender of Fatherland. In 2002 the State Duma of the Russian Federation has made decision to make on twenty third of February the day off.
Pancake week
Pancake week - one of the most joyful and light holidays. The whole week the people see off the bothered winter, bake pancakes and visit. A pancake week for us, as a carnival for Italians. As in a translation from Italian "carnival" is meant «by beef, farewell! ». And the pancake week previous the Lent, long since was called as "Mjasopustom" as this week it was forbidden to eat meat. Some historians consider that in the ancient time the Pancake week was связанна with day of a spring solstice, but with acceptance of Christianity it began to anticipate the Lent and to depend on its terms. On every day buttered week there were certain ceremonies. On Monday – the Pancake week meeting, on Tuesday - folk tunes. On the gourmand that is on Wednesday of buttered week the mother-in-law invited to pancakes of sons-in-law with wives. Especially this custom was observed concerning young, recently got married. For certain from here expression «to the mother-in-law on pancakes» also has gone. On wide Thursday there were the most crowded санные driving. On Friday - mother-in-law's вечерки - sons-in-law called the mother-in-law on an entertainment. Saturday was taken away золовкиным to a sit-round gathering. Sunday was called «прощеным in the afternoon». This day all visited relatives, friends and acquaintances, exchanged kisses, bows and were sorry each other if have offended words or acts.
Women's day 8 Mar с h
On eighth of March - "the International women's day", a holiday of spring and attention to the woman. This day we do not work, and ours "fine halves" wait from us for signs on attention, colors and gifts. We rejoice to a holiday. Passes time, the sense of a holiday varies, and we sometimes wonder: what, actually, and what for we celebrate? The beginning to the International women's day which today mark donation of gifts, colors and poetic to women, was put not less by the celebrated personality - Clara Tsetkin. The beginning of celebrating of the International women's day in day on March, 8th has begun since 1911. For the first time the holiday to women, has been celebrated in Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Sweden. Russia has joined this list since 1913. As a result of activity of the International female organisation for protection of the rights of women, in 1985 in 88 countries of the world recognised the right of women and have stopped fair sex discrimination in the decision of political and other questions. The international women's day has been celebrated for the first time in Russia – in Petersburg in 1913 In May, 1965 on March, 8th has been declared by a day off. In the USSR and new Russia the holiday 8 Martha was and remains to one of the most favourite.
Day of laughter
Custom to have fun and deceive each other on first of April exists in many countries. "Day of laughter" - so call this holiday and mark it in spite of the fact that it is not brought in one official calendar of significant events. In Russia, according to historians and ethnographers, celebrating on first of April - an echo of pagan rite in honour of arrival of spring. Being afraid of "old woman-winter", wishing it to banish more likely, our ancestors changed clothes in skins of animals, put on masks that she has not learnt offenders, with songs and dancings burnt its stuffed animal and met the beauty-spring. Besides, in Russia considered that the malicious demon on first of April wakes up, and consequently it is necessary to deceive in every possible way each other to confuse him.
Well and the first case of mass draw has taken place in Moscow at the time of Peter I. In 1700 the holder of troupe of German comedians declared that during representation will get into an ordinary bottle. To the people at theatre has gathered much, and on a stage have taken out a bottle with an inscription "on First of April". Speak, for the most dull people the German has some times put a finger in a bottle to show that it has made a fool of them: see supposedly even my finger in a bottle does not climb, and I and will not climb through for a long time. In Russia the morning April Fools' alarm sounding usually in case of a fire became ridiculous draw and having roused all Petersburgers who have soon understood that became victims of draw. Still couple of years back Russians in large quantities took a great interest in jokes, like: "At you a back white!" Or "at you laces were untied!" Some come across till now on these old kind draws.
Light Christ's Revival has come to Russia - the most important orthodox holiday. This day special and familiar to us since the childhood. We learn it on brightly painted chicken, on is tasty to the smelling Easter cakes covered with a multi-colored crumb on white glaze and on special joyful persons of people, coming back of a temple. Orthodox such holiday consider as the most important thing and name a holiday of holidays — Easter. Orthodox Easter in Russia is marked on the first Sunday after a spring equinox and a March full moon. Easter still name a life holiday, and even inveterate atheists are reserved by an onions peel for a paint of eggs and with pleasure knead celebratory Easter cakes. Easter — a holiday, drawing the beauty and improbable atmosphere of all: big and small, believing and doubting. A church celebration of the most important holiday of the orthodox people really grandiosely. And preparation for celebrating begins beforehand. On Saturday believers bear Easter cakes in church, eggs and Easter for consecration without which the Easter cake remains simply rich bread, and egg — will lose the symbolical value. By the way, many people on ignorance name the baked Easter cakes which are on sale on the eve of a holiday in many shops — Easter. Not to get to awkward position it is necessary to know that Easter is a dish from cottage cheese with every possible additives. It unlike Easter cakes is not baked.
Divine service in a temple begins with canon and religious procession reading. In churches time has begun divine services can be various. In the main temple of Volgograd the Kazan cathedral canon reading begins, approximately at 23.15 — 23.30. The people coming in the night from Saturday to Sunday in a temple on Easter divine service, become witnesses of the sacred action not similar on any others. Before its beginning in temples all fixtures are lighted, believing stand with candles, and there is no more brightly and more joyfully a service, than in night of Revival of Jesus Christ.
In days of old solemn Divine service was made in the presence of the tsar who upon termination of a ceremony did not shun with boyars and court. it is accepted not only in day of Easter, but also the next days. Meeting people should kiss and exchange by all means red. Before it it is necessary to say: «Christ Voskresi!». Or to answer: «Truly Voskresi!». After all Easter is a holiday of Revival of the Christ. Such greetings people announce a victory of a life eternal over death. Under the legend Maria Magdalina has presented the first Easter egg to the Roman emperor Tiberiju. It has come to Rome with a great joyful message about Revival of the Christ. Maria was poor and, without having anything, except the belief, joyfully having exclaimed: «Christ Voskresi!», has presented to the emperor a usual egg. was sceptical about words of the woman, having doubted that someone can revive from the dead.« Also it is difficult to believe in it, as that this egg can become red! »- the emperor has told and has not believed to the eyes: egg in his hands wonderfully became scarlet. Since then traditional red Easter eggs symbolise blood of the Christ and are the Revival symbol. For children Easter eggs a wonderful entertainment and an occasion to play pranks. Games on разбивание eggs and their driving carry away all children, looking on which adults rejoice.
The pleasure distinguishes Easter from all other holidays. Not that pleasure that that pleasure is received from fair quantity of strong drinks in a New Year's eve, not that comes with reception of expensively gift at date of enamoured, and pleasure of that a life is fine that it does not come to an end that it proceeds eternally. Easter — a life holiday! A holiday when «the soul Russian as though is dissolved and softened in warm beams of Christ's love», reviving for good deeds and light thoughts.
Holiday of spring and work
On first of May it was celebrated in the Russian empire for the first time in 1890 in Warsaw, and in 1891 already in capital - in St.-Petersburg.
Its first name - Day of the international solidarity of workers. In Soviet Union a holiday often named simply on number – on first of May.
In the Russian Federation it is marked, as a holiday of Spring and Work.
As though it named – Day of solidarity of workers or a holiday of spring and work, for many on first of May traditionally symbolizes revival and arrival of spring.
The big emotional charge which it bears in itself (himself) is connected not only with sensation of spring awakening of the nature, but also with perception on first of May as the general celebration rallying all Russians. "A mass holiday" on first of May became in the USSR. And it really was the holiday for the workers who have received in addition two days off. May гуляния passed on all country. This day people amicably went on demonstration with headers and colours. The celebratory table was obligatory attribute of the 1st of May.
On May, 9th - a Victory Day!
On May, 9th, 1945 Russian people have gained a great victory over the aggressor. The tests, fallen to a lot of our people were rather fiery.
Here half a century a Victory Day already there is more serves as a strong, indissoluble thread between us, present generation, and generation of front-line soldiers, military workers, winners. The Victory Day is a proof of that Russians - special, surprisingly strong nation. And however many has passed years and how many the words full thanks and love, has not sounded, the young generation always will be in eternal to a debt to veterans.
In 2005 60 years of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War were executed. The basic celebratory actions devoted to this date, have taken place 8 - on May, 10th in Moscow. The capital of Russia has accepted tens foreign delegations from all continents led by heads of the states and the governments. In the Russian regions 9-og May marked the Victory 60 anniversary in the Great Patriotic War. On celebrations on the occasion of an anniversary informs ITAR-TASS.
Ten thousand inhabitants of Kursk have come today to a memorial fallen in days of the Great Patriotic War to pay a tribute of memory to heroes and to assign flowers to their tombs. So populous celebrations in a Victory Day many years here were not observed. On Red Square of Kursk military parade and solemn meeting has taken place.
On a main square of Samara - the areas of Kuibyshev - today for the first time for last 4 years there has passed military parade. It was opened by 120 veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Dressed in the field form and groundsheets they have solemnly passed on the area on реставрированных trucks of wartime ГАЗ-67. After them a smart march have passed one and a half thousand military men of the Second Guards army deployed in territory of the Samara region.
Aerobatic manoeuvres in the sky over a city were shown by pilots of country council РОСТО. All interested persons by tradition treated with soldier's porridge.