Реферат: Holidays of Russia

It is the first memorial, erected in Soviet Union in honour of the fallen heroes upon termination of war. It has immortalised a feat of the Red Army men who were lost at storm of a fortified city of Kenigsberg is equal a month before the Great Victory. On the eve of a holiday reconstruction of a memorial to which in September 60 years will be executed has been finished.

Veterans of war have headed a smart system of armies of the Kaliningrad garrison. They bore banners of 1st Baltic, 2nd and 3rd Belarus fronts, and also the Baltic fleet, Soviet armies participating in East Prussian offensive operation and storm of Kenigsberga.

Celebratory celebrations have passed in Tver - the first regional centre, released from fascist aggressors.

Thousand townspeople, despite a rain, have passed in colourful columns the central city streets. When meeting has begun and greetings to veterans have begun to sound, the rain has stopped, the sun has looked out.

"Words of a congratulation to front-line soldiers, workers of back in an especial way sound on our Tver earth. In frosty December of 41st Kalininsky offensive operation has begun. It was a component of the plan of defeat of fascist armies near Moscow", - the mayor of Tver Oleg Lebedev has told on meeting. It has reminded that Kalinin (Tver) became the first regional centre released from fascist aggressors.

The enemy has had here the big losses - more than 10 thousand killed and wounded men.

With solemn поминальных ceremonies on military burial places celebrating of the 60 anniversary of the Great Victory in Arkhangelsk has begun today. Thousand people почтили memory fallen also have assigned flowers to their tombs. In territory of the front Arkhangelsk region 31 military hospitals on 16 thousand cots has been developed. Hundreds fighters have died here of wounds and illnesses.

After all ceremonies and возложений colours, people disperse. In the evening at ten o'clock start to give salute in honour of a Victory Day. People leave on streets and admire on beautiful fireworks.

Day of mother (Mum's day) in Russia

In Russia to mark «Day of mother» became rather recently. Though it is impossible to argue that this holiday - an eternity holiday: from generation to generation for each person mum – the most important person in a life. Becoming mother, the woman opens in itself better qualities: kindness, love and care. The new holiday – «Day of Mother» - gradually gets accustomed in Russia. Based by the President of the Russian Federation on January, 30th, 1998, it is celebrated last Sunday November, doing justice to parent work and their disinterested victim for the sake of the blessing of children. And it is correct: how many good, kind words it has been told to mums, how many occasions for this purpose have thought up, superfluous they will not be. Among the numerous holidays marked in our country, «Day of Mother» takes a special place. It is a holiday to which nobody can remain indifferent. This day it would be desirable to tell gratitude words to all Mothers who give to children love, good, tenderness and caress. Thanks you!. And let to each of you tell warm words your favourite children more! Let on their persons the smile and joyful sparkles is shone sparkle in eyes, when you together! The Russian mothers were distinguished always by generosity of soul, fidelity, self-sacrifice, love and great patience. And today they carefully store the family centre, learn children to good, mutual understanding, morals. Day of mother answers the best traditions of the relation of Russians to motherhood, unites all layers of the Russian society on ideas of good and honouring of the woman-mother.

Day of mother — a holiday youngish. It yet has no established traditions, in the family circle very few people marks it. But, we hope that in due course value of this day will increase, because on sense and the maintenance it is the most sacred holiday.

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