Реферат: Influences On Society Essay Research Paper Influences
economy, as no one had the money to afford to create or buy PCs. The
same is true for many countries today. Africa’s economies have never
been that strong and technology has not been much help to these
countries because of the economic situation. Until recently, India was
pretty much the same way. With a stronger economy, there is now more
money being spent on R&D, resulting in more technological progress
for the future in India. How much money is placed in R&D (Research
and Development) greatly influences how technology will evolve. The
stronger the economy, the more technology that comes out of this
economy. Of course the economy is also strongly based on the people
and their desire for! this technology, which leads to the final point:
moral\cultural influences on technology. What would life be without
TV? Automobiles? Nintendo? Ask any kid these questions in a developed
country and they would respond very negatively. Most people know what
these technologies are because their society has been influenced by
technology. Imagine what life would be like without the invention of
the boat or airplane! These are just some of the technological
innovations that have influenced society. American history can tell
many stories of how technology has influenced society, but most people
can just look around and see it’s affects (both positive and
negative). Some of the positive influences of technologies on a
society’s social/morality can be seen by the medical advances and
healthcare. Some negative influences are the increase in violence and
illiteracy. Before the TV and Radio, many children read classic novels
and their homework. Now, the overall education of these children is
pathetic. One advantage to the new technology is the vast amount of
informa! tion available to people that was usually not available.
China’s governments actions can show how much these technologies have
influenced its society in a “negative” way for a Communist government.