Реферат: Influences On Society Essay Research Paper Influences

work.” (Unemployment 21) Kennedy’s speech was based on the idea of

creative destruction: new jobs are created, while others are rendered

obsolete. Societies must learn that to complain is human; to adjust

essential. Either way, technology is influenced by this point. Michael

Novak stated that there were three influences on any society:

Political influences, Economic influences, and Moral\Cultural

influences. As seen by this essay, there are many reasons that there

should be a fourth point added to this “triangle.” Throughout history,

technology has seen to influence and be influenced by political

decisions. These technologies also have helped build economies and

destroy those that chose not to use technology. Society has also been

greatly influenced by technology in positive and negative ways, and

society has greatly influenced technology as well. Technology as the

fourth point of a triangle? How about a square or trapezoid?

Mowery, David C., and Nathan Rosenberg. Technology and the Pursuit of

Economic Growth. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

McKenzie, Richard B., and Dwight R. Lee. Quicksilver Capital. New

York: The Free Press, 1991.

Rosenberg, Nathan. Inside The Black Box: Technology And Economics. New

York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

Chen, Kathy. “China Bans Internet Access To as Many as 100 Web Sites.”

Wall Street Journal 5 Sept. 1996: 1-2.

“Technology and Unemployment.” The Economist 11 Feb. 1995: 21-23.

“Technology In Finance.” The Economist 26 Oct. 1996: 3-22.

“The World Economy.” The Economist 28 Sept. 1996: 3-4, 7-10, 19-23,


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